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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Mechanism of glia-neuron cell-fate switch in the Drosophila thoracic neuroblast 6-4 lineage.

During development of the Drosophila central nervous system, neuroblast 6-4 in the thoracic segment (NB6-4T) divides asymmetrically into a medially located glial precursor cell and a laterally located neuronal precursor cell. In this study, to understand the molecular basis for this glia-neuron cell-fate decision, we examined the effects of some known mutations on the NB6-4T lineage. First, we found that prospero (pros) mutations led to a loss of expression of Glial cells missing, which is essential to trigger glial differentiation, in the NB6-4T lineage. In wild-type embryos, Pros protein was localized at the medial cell cortex of dividing NB6-4T and segregated to the nucleus of the glial precursor cell. miranda and inscuteable mutations altered the behavior of Pros, resulting in failure to correctly switch the glial and neuronal fates. Our results suggested that NB6-4T used the same molecular machinery in the asymmetric cell division as other neuroblasts in cell divisions producing ganglion mother cells. Furthermore, we showed that outside the NB6-4T lineage most glial cells appeared independently of Pros.[1]


  1. Mechanism of glia-neuron cell-fate switch in the Drosophila thoracic neuroblast 6-4 lineage. Akiyama-Oda, Y., Hotta, Y., Tsukita, S., Oda, H. Development (2000) [Pubmed]
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