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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Overexpression of the csk gene suppresses tumor metastasis in vivo.

The non-receptor tyrosine kinase c-Src has been implicated in the development of numerous human cancers. c-Src is activated in colon cancers, particularly in highly metastatic cells, and its overexpression strongly correlates with tumor progression. C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) has been demonstrated to negatively regulate Src family tyrosine kinases through tyrosine phosphorylation at the C-terminal regulatory site (Tyr-527). We report herein that down-regulation of Src kinase activity by adenovirus-mediated csk gene transfer abrogated the highly metastatic phenotype of colon cancer cells. Overexpression of Csk decreased Src tyrosine kinase activity in NL-17 cells, the highly metastatic clone of mouse colon adenocarcinoma 26. Importantly, Csk overexpression in NL-17 cells resulted in significant suppression of in vivo metastasis, without affecting its tumorgenicity. Csk overexpression decreased the invasiveness of NL-17 cells through Matrigel, in vitro reconstituted basement membrane. Gelatin zymography confirmed the decreased protein levels of MMP-2 (gelatinase A) in the supernatants of Csk-overexpressed NL- 17 cells. These results provide a therapeutic basis for interfering with metastasis of colon cancer by csk gene-mediated down-regulation of Src kinase activity.[1]


  1. Overexpression of the csk gene suppresses tumor metastasis in vivo. Nakagawa, T., Tanaka, S., Suzuki, H., Takayanagi, H., Miyazaki, T., Nakamura, K., Tsuruo, T. Int. J. Cancer (2000) [Pubmed]
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