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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The novel ependymin related gene UCC1 is highly expressed in colorectal tumor cells.

Normal cells differ from malignant tumor cells in the transcription levels of many different genes. Two colorectal tumor cell lines were compared with a normal colorectal cell line by differential display reverse transcription PCR to screen for tumor cell specific differentially transcribed genes. By this strategy the upregulation of a novel gene was detected designated as 'upregulated in colorectal cancer gene-1' (UCC1). The UCC1 gene transcript level is increased in cultured tumor cells and in two out of three analyzed colorectal tumor tissue specimens compared to normal cultured cells and to corresponding normal tissue samples. Remarkably, the UCC1 protein shows significant sequence similarity to the highly divergent piscine glycoproteins termed ependymins which are synthesized by leptomeningeal fibroblasts and secreted into the cerebrospinal fluid.[1]


  1. The novel ependymin related gene UCC1 is highly expressed in colorectal tumor cells. Nimmrich, I., Erdmann, S., Melchers, U., Chtarbova, S., Finke, U., Hentsch, S., Hoffmann, I., Oertel, M., Hoffmann, W., Müller, O. Cancer Lett. (2001) [Pubmed]
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