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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Gene expression analysis of the response by Escherichia coli to seawater.

Gene expression of Escherichia coli cells exposed to seawater for 20 h was compared to that of exponentially growing cells (mops-glucose 0.2%) using DNA microarray technology. The expression of most (ca. 3,000) of the 4,228 open reading frames on the microarray remained unchanged; the relative expression of about 320 genes decreased in seawater, whereas that of ca. one fourth (937) increased. Clearly coherent expression patterns were observed for several functional gene groups. Induced genes were numerous in groups specifying the degradation of small molecules (carbon compounds, amino acids and fatty acids), energy metabolism (aerobic and anaerobic respiration, pyruvate dehydrogenase and TCA cycle), chemotaxis and mobility, flagella biosynthesis, surface structures and phage related functions. Repressed genes were clustered in two groups, cell division and nucleotides biosynthesis, indicating a cessation of growth.[1]


  1. Gene expression analysis of the response by Escherichia coli to seawater. Rozen, Y., Larossa, R.A., Templeton, L.J., Smulski, D.R., Belkin, S. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (2002) [Pubmed]
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