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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Cerebellar long-term synaptic depression requires PKC-mediated activation of CPI-17, a myosin/moesin phosphatase inhibitor.

Cerebellar LTD requires brief activation of PKC and is expressed as a functional downregulation of AMPA receptors. Modulation of vascular smooth-muscle contraction by G protein- coupled receptors (called Ca(2+) sensitization) also involves PKC phosphorylation and activation of a specific inhibitor of myosin/moesin phosphatase (MMP). This inhibitor, called CPI-17, is also expressed in brain. Here, we tested the hypothesis that LTD, like Ca(2+) sensitization, employs a PKC/CPI-17 cascade. Introduction of activated recombinant CPI-17 into cells produced a use-dependent attenuation of glutamate-evoked responses and occluded subsequent LTD. Moreover, the requirement for endogenous CPI-17 in LTD was demonstrated with neutralizing antibodies plus gene silencing by siRNA. These interventions had no effect on basal synaptic strength but blocked LTD induction. Thus, a biochemical circuit that involves PKC-mediated activation of CPI-17 modulates the distinct physiological processes of vascular contractility and cerebellar LTD.[1]


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