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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Changes of receptor mRNAs for oxytocin and estrogen during the estrous cycle in rat uterus.

Oxytocin receptor (OTR) mRNA levels increase dramatically near term and is potently stimulated by estrogen because increased OTR mRNA levels result from estrogen treatment in ovariectomized rat uterus. In this study, OTR, estrogen receptor (ER) alpha and ERbeta mRNA levels in the rat uterus during the estrous cycle were examined by quantitative RT-PCR. OTR mRNA levels during the estrous cycle began to increase on diestrus (P<0.05, vs value on estrus), reached maximal increase both in the morning (1000-1130 hr) and afternoon (1600-1630 hr) on proestrus (P<0.01, vs metestrus, diestrus and estrus) and then declined on estrus. In contrast ER alpha mRNA levels began to decrease on diestrus, reached statistical significance both in the morning and the afternoon on proestrus (P<0.01, vs metestrus, diestrus and estrus) and returned to the value of metestrus on estrus. ERbeta mRNA levels were low in the morning and the afternoon on proestrus (P<0.01, vs metestrus and estrus) and also returned to metestrus values on estrus. Treatments with estrogen for 3 days significantly decreased both ERalpha and ERbeta mRNA levels. It can be concluded from these results that during the estrous cycle, OTR mRNA levels in rat uterus predominantly increase at proestrus with a decrease in ERalpha and ERbeta mRNA levels, which is probably due to the increased estrogen levels in circulation before ovulation.[1]


  1. Changes of receptor mRNAs for oxytocin and estrogen during the estrous cycle in rat uterus. Murata, T., Narita, K., Honda, K., Higuchi, T. J. Vet. Med. Sci. (2003) [Pubmed]
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