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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Expression of inhibin beta A and beta B, follistatin and activin-A receptor messenger ribonucleic acids in the rat seminiferous epithelium.

The expression of inhibin beta A and beta B subunits, follistatin, and activin-A receptor messenger RNA (mRNAs) in different stages of rat seminiferous epithelial cycle was analyzed by in situ hybridization in order to understand their role in the regulation of spermatogenesis. Inhibin beta A mRNA was expressed in Sertoli cells in a highly stage-specific manner. The mRNA levels started to accumulate in Sertoli cells at stage VIII of the cycle and were highly expressed during stages IX-XI. Follistatin mRNA expression was identical to that of inhibin beta A, while inhibin beta B mRNA was maximally expressed in Sertoli cells at stages XIII-III. Low expression was found in stages VII-VIII. Activin-A receptor mRNA was localized mainly in spermatogenic cells. Maximal expression was seen in late primary spermatocytes at stages XIII-XIV and in early round spermatids at stages I-IV. A low even expression by Sertoli cells was also seen. Inhibin beta A and follistatin mRNAs were coexpressed in stage IX-XI Sertoli cells, suggesting close interplay between these molecules. The pattern of inhibin beta B mRNA expression was similar to that of inhibin alpha-mRNA. Localization of activin-A receptor mRNA in spermatogenic cells suggests that activin may influence meiotic divisions and early spermiogenesis.[1]


  1. Expression of inhibin beta A and beta B, follistatin and activin-A receptor messenger ribonucleic acids in the rat seminiferous epithelium. Kaipia, A., Penttilä, T.L., Shimasaki, S., Ling, N., Parvinen, M., Toppari, J. Endocrinology (1992) [Pubmed]
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