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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Development of a comprehensive comparative radiation hybrid map of bovine chromosome 7 (BTA7) versus human chromosomes 1 (HSA1), 5 (HSA5) and 19 (HSA19).

In this study, we present a comprehensive 3,000-rad radiation hybrid (RH) map of bovine chromosome 7 (BTA7) with 108 markers including 54 genes or ESTs. For 52 of them, a human ortholog sequence was found either on HSA1 (one gene), HSA5 (31 genes) or HSA19 (19 genes and one non-annotated sequence) confirming previously described syntenies. Moreover, in order to refine boundaries of blocks of conserved synteny, nine new genes were mapped to the bovine genome on the basis of their localization on the human genome: six on BTA7 and originating from HSA1 (TRIM17), HSA5 (MAN2A1, LMNB1, SIAT8D and FLJ1159) and HSA19 (VAV1), and the three others (AP3B1, APC and CCNG1) on BTA10. The available draft of the human genome sequence allowed us to present a detailed picture of the distribution of conserved synteny segments between man and cattle. Finally, the INRA bovine BAC library was screened for most of the BTA7 markers considered in this study to provide anchors for the bovine physical map.[1]


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