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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Multi-criteria decision making in micellar liquid chromatographic separation of chlorophenols.

Simultaneous optimization of separation quality and analysis time of the micellar liquid chromatography of nine chlorophenol isomers was investigated. The effect on retention of three experimental parameters was studied using multivariate analysis. The factors studied were the concentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate, propanol content, and pH of the mobile phase. The experiments were performed according to the face-centered cube central composite design and the inverse form of the experimental retention times of analytes was fitted to polynomial models. The results of the analysis of variance showed that the models obtained explain over 99% of the variance observed in the chromatograms. The good predictive ability of the models was verified by high correlation coefficient (R2 > 0.99) and F ratio values for the plots of predicted cross-validated versus experimental retention times. The study showed that the use of the Pareto-Optimality method, an approach from multi-criteria decision making, allows selection of the best possible combinations of separation quality and analysis time in micellar liquid chromatography of chlorophenols.[1]


  1. Multi-criteria decision making in micellar liquid chromatographic separation of chlorophenols. Hadjmohammadi, M.R., Safa, F. Journal of separation science. (2004) [Pubmed]
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