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Models, Statistical

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Disease relevance of Models, Statistical


Psychiatry related information on Models, Statistical


High impact information on Models, Statistical

  • Structural parameters characterizing the bending propensity of trinucleotides were deduced from DNase I digestion data using simple probabilistic models [11].
  • In this study we compared the goodness-of-fit of each theory with a probabilistic model of exon/intron evolution and multiple nonallelic genes encoding human aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) [12].
  • PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data from 934 patients treated between 1987 and 2000 were used to develop a comprehensive statistical model to fit the clinical recurrence events and patterns of PSA data [13].
  • Lod scores of < -2.0 were generated for the entire region, thus excluding PTEN and any genes within the flanking 20-cM interval as candidate loci for familial JPS under our statistical models [14].
  • The number of TM-positive vessels correlated with all parameters of radiation enteropathy and, after adjusting for radiation dose and observation time in a statistical model, remained independently associated with neutrophil infiltration, intestinal wall thickening, and collagen I accumulation [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Models, Statistical


Biological context of Models, Statistical


Anatomical context of Models, Statistical

  • Multivariate statistical models revealed a highly significant relationship between NDMA levels and urinary nitrate, stimulation indices for two T cell responses to two parasite antigens (MW 37 kDa and 110 kDa) and gall bladder dimensions [24].
  • To overcome the difficulties associated with non-parametric phase unwrapping due to thoracic anti-resonances, the phase delay tau(f) of propagation between the trachea and the chest wall is estimated using a linear parametric ARX-type statistical model with the non-parametric magnitude spectra as a guide [25].
  • Among the linear, parabolic, and polynomial models tested, 3rd- and 4th-order polynomial models of regression exerted best correlations between the time and histamine-induced gastric acid secretion [26].
  • In human IPF lungs, osteopontin colocalized with MMP-7 in alveolar epithelial cells, and application of weakest link statistical models to microarray data suggested a significant interaction between osteopontin and MMP-7 [27].

Associations of Models, Statistical with chemical compounds

  • CONCLUSIONS: Using this statistical model, the chances of postoperative dialysis can be estimated exactly before operation; age and preoperative serum creatinine level are the only variables predictive for postoperative dialysis [28].
  • Fitting the length distributions at intermediate ethanol concentrations to a simple binomial model results in an upper bound estimate for the A-form and B-form domains of approximately 54 bp in the individual molecules [29].
  • Plasma NPY maintained its predictive power for CV events in statistical model including plasma norepinephrine [30].
  • CONCLUSIONS: To evaluate accuracy of blood glucose meters, error grid analysis, as well as statistical models, are helpful means and should be performed together [31].
  • In a multivariate statistical model, among the following variables: sex, age, systolic BP, diastolic BP, cholesterol and smoking, systolic BP was found the best predictor of extent and severity of atherosclerotic lesions at extracranial level [32].

Gene context of Models, Statistical

  • Ultimately, the data for all five CYPs and the recombinant CYP2D6 were used to build a statistical model for predicting the IC(50) with a single point [33].
  • OBJECTIVE: To test whether statistical models developed to calculate pre-test probability of being a BRCA1/2 carrier can differentiate better between the breast/ovarian families to be referred to the DNA test laboratory [34].
  • OBJECTIVES: To characterize the clinical predictors, spectrum, and frequency of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in an ethnically diverse high-risk clinic population and to evaluate the performance of the BRCAPRO statistical model in predicting the likelihood of a mutation [35].
  • These findings were confirmed by multiple regression, taking into consideration additional information about the patients to build statistical models allowing prediction of AR [36].
  • TNF-alpha (standardised coefficient beta = 0.410, p<0.001) and IL-1beta (standardised coefficient beta = 0.311, p = 0.006) were most strongly associated with the degree of lung injury, even when the diagnostic group was included in the statistical model [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Models, Statistical


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