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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Mitogenic and dentin-inductive effects of crude bone morphogenetic protein from bone and dentin in primary adult pulp cell culture.

The effects of crude bone morphogenetic protein ( BMP) derived from bone and dentin matrix on proliferation, production of extracellular matrix, and biologic function of the pulp cell were examined in the primary cell culture from permanent dental pulp. BMP from bone and from dentin matrix stimulated iodine 125-deoxyuridine incorporation in the absence of 10% calf serum. They increased sulfur 35-sulfate incorporation in proliferating stage and had no effects in stationary stage of culture. Alkaline phosphatase activities were inhibited in proliferating, stationary, and multilayered stages of culture. Osteocalcin synthesis was increased in culture treated with BMP from day 2 to day 10. These findings suggest that crude BMP might have mitogenic activity and some role in regulation of differentiation of pulp cells into odontoblasts.[1]


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