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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Normal thyroid structure and function in rhophilin 2-deficient mice.

Rhophilin 2 is a Rho GTPase binding protein initially isolated by differential screening of a chronically thyrotropin (TSH)-stimulated dog thyroid cDNA library. In thyroid cell culture, expression of rhophilin 2 mRNA and protein is enhanced following TSH stimulation of the cyclic AMP (cAMP) transduction cascade. Yeast two-hybrid screening and coimmunoprecipitation have revealed that the GTP-bound form of RhoB and components of the cytoskeleton are protein partners of rhophilin 2. These results led us to suggest that rhophilin 2 could play an important role downstream of RhoB in the control of endocytosis during the thyroid secretory process which follows stimulation of the TSH/cAMP pathway. To validate this hypothesis, we generated rhophilin 2-deficient mice and analyzed their thyroid structure and function. Mice lacking rhophilin 2 develop normally, have normal life spans, and are fertile. They have no visible goiter and no obvious clinical signs of hyper- or hypothyroidism. The morphology of thyroid cells and follicles in these mice were normal, as were the different biological tests performed to investigate thyroid function. Our results indicate that rhophilin 2 does not play an essential role in thyroid physiology.[1]


  1. Normal thyroid structure and function in rhophilin 2-deficient mice. Behrends, J., Clément, S., Pajak, B., Pohl, V., Maenhaut, C., Dumont, J.E., Schurmans, S. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2005) [Pubmed]
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