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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

A temporal bone study of insertion trauma and intracochlear position of cochlear implant electrodes. I: Comparison of Nucleus banded and Nucleus Contour electrodes.

In recent years, new designs of cochlear implant electrodes have been introduced in an attempt to improve efficiency and performance by locating stimulation sites closer to spiral ganglion neurons and deeper into the scala tympani. The goal of this study was to document insertion depth, intracochlear position and insertion trauma with the Nucleus Contour electrode and to compare results to those observed with the earlier generation Nucleus banded electrode. For this comparison eight Nuclears banded electrodes and 18 Contour electrodes were implanted in cadaver temporal bones using a realistic surgical exposure. Two experienced cochlear implant surgeons and two otology fellows with specialized training in cochlear implant surgery were selected for the study to represent a range of surgical experience similar to that of surgeons currently performing the procedure throughout the world. Following insertion of the electrodes, specimens were imaged using plain film X-ray, embedded in acrylic resin, cut in radial sections with the electrodes in place, and each cut surface was polished. Insertion depth was measured in digitized X-ray images, and trauma was assessed in each cross-section. The Contour electrode inserted more deeply (mean depth=17.9 mm or 417 degrees ) than the banded electrode (mean depth=15.3 mm or 285 degrees ). The incidence and severity of trauma varied substantially among the temporal bones studied. However, the nature and frequency of injuries observed with the two devices were very similar. The Contour electrode was clearly positioned closer to the modiolus than the banded model, and also appeared easier to use. Based on this difference in position and data from previous studies we conclude that the Contour electrode may provide lower thresholds and improved channel selectivity, but the incidence of trauma remains a problem with the newer design. The relative influences of electrode positioning and neural degeneration that may result from trauma are as yet unclear.[1]


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