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Cochlear Implants

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Disease relevance of Cochlear Implants


Psychiatry related information on Cochlear Implants

  • Speech-perception scores using the TESM strategy were compared to scores using the spectral maxima sound processor (SMSP) strategy in a group of eight adult users of the Nucleus 22 cochlear implant system [6].

High impact information on Cochlear Implants


Chemical compound and disease context of Cochlear Implants


Biological context of Cochlear Implants

  • OBJECTIVE: The primary goal of this study was to examine changes that may occur in electrode impedance, electrically evoked compound action potential (EAP) threshold and slope of the EAP growth function, and behavioral measures of threshold T-level) and maximum comfort (C-level) over time in both adult and child cochlear implant users [13].
  • OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study was to assess the correlation of auditory event related potential (ERP) measures with behavioral assessment data to identify if ERPs including mismatch negativity (MMN) can be used to categorize cochlear implant patients into good and poor performers [14].
  • OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between electrically evoked whole nerve action potential (EAP) and electrical auditory brain stem response (EABR) thresholds and MAP threshold (T-level) and maximum comfort level (C-level) for subjects who use the Nucleus 24 cochlear implant system [15].
  • Neurophysiology of cochlear implant users I: effects of stimulus current level and electrode site on the electrical ABR, MLR, and N1-P2 response [16].
  • Measures that can be used to assess auditory development in this population and the application of some of these procedures in the pediatric study of the Clarion cochlear implant (Advanced Bionics Corp., Sylmar, Calif.) are also presented [17].

Anatomical context of Cochlear Implants


Associations of Cochlear Implants with chemical compounds

  • Ten months after starting cyclosporine treatment her course was stable and cochlear implant surgery was successfully performed [23].
  • Silastic with polyacrylic acid filler: swelling properties, biocompatibility and potential use in cochlear implants [24].
  • DESIGN: Phase 1 involved an examination of the clinical MAPs for the first 103 recipients implanted with the Contour electrode array in the Melbourne Cochlear Implant Clinic, to examine the ability to predict the entire MAP based on a smaller number of clinically determined T- and/or C-levels [25].
  • Cochlear implant fixation using titanium screws [26].
  • This paper deals with the Nucleus C124R (CS) (Contour) cochlear Implant: its characteristics, differences compared with the previous generation of devices, the perimodiolar electrode, and the surgical technique used for safe insertion [27].

Gene context of Cochlear Implants

  • OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between ethnicity and mutations in the GJB2 and GJB6 genes in multi-cultural patients enrolled in a Canadian paediatric Cochlear Implant Program. METHODS: Blood was analyzed from 65 paediatric cochlear implant users by direct sequencing of the coding region and intron/exon boundaries of the GBJ2 gene [28].
  • I give some qualified support to the first and second claim, but find that the principal weight of the argument must be borne by the third argument: that use of the cochlear implants is impermissible because Deaf culture is intrinsically valuable [29].
  • Speech-evoked cognitive P300 potentials in cochlear implant recipients [30].
  • CONCLUSIONS: The close approximation of the measured data to the model data indicates the feasibility of the clinical use of an EAP-based cochlear implant fitting protocol [31].
  • A method for recording the electrically evoked whole-nerve action potential (EAP) at the time of cochlear implant surgery is described [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cochlear Implants


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