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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Endocrine pancreatic tissue plasticity in obese humans is associated with cytoplasmic expression of PBX-1 in pancreatic ductal cells.

In vivo lineage tracing experiments in mice have recently cast doubt on the potential islet neogenesis from ductal precursors in adult mammals. We examined, in human obesity, a model for pancreatic endocrine tissue plasticity, the gene and protein expression of PBX-1-a transcription factor expressed in regenerating rat ductules and potentially implicated in the pancreatic development, alone or in association with PDX-1. When comparing gene expression, by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, in pancreatic exocrine tissue from obese non-diabetic subjects with increased islet mass, we found that Pbx-1 and Pdx-1 were up-regulated (5.9+/-1.2 and 2.4+/-0.6 versus non-obese). Immunohistochemistry confirmed PBX-1 over-expression and its cytoplasmic sequestration in ductal cells of obese subjects, associated with pronounced islet neogenesis ( cytokeratin 19/chromogranin A double labeling). cDNA microarray analysis also showed up-regulation of other genes implicated in islet regeneration, including betacellulin, laminin, TGFa, NeuroD1, Pax6, substantiating the role of the islet neogenesis pathway in human obesity.[1]


  1. Endocrine pancreatic tissue plasticity in obese humans is associated with cytoplasmic expression of PBX-1 in pancreatic ductal cells. Muharram, G., Beucher, A., Moerman, E., Belaïch, S., Gmyr, V., Vandewalle, B., Pattou, F., Kerr-Conte, J. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2005) [Pubmed]
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