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Gene Review

Pdx1  -  pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: IDX-1, IPF-1, Insulin promoter factor 1, Ipf1, Islet/duodenum homeobox 1, ...
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Disease relevance of Pdx1

  • Mutations affecting the Ipf1 protein may promote diabetes mellitus in mice and humans [1].
  • To explore induced islet neogenesis in the liver as a strategy for the treatment of diabetes, we used helper-dependent adenovirus (HDAD) to deliver the pancreatic duodenal homeobox-1 gene (Ipf1; also known as Pdx-1) to streptozotocin (STZ)-treated diabetic mice [2].
  • Our results suggest that dysregulation of Pdx1 might represent a common link between ordinary type 2 diabetes and MODY [3].
  • We were unable to correct hyperglycemia in mice with streptozotocin-induced diabetes using AAV vectors expressing Pdx-1 and Ngn3 [4].
  • We delivered Pdx-1 and Ngn3 to the livers of diabetic mice using adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotype 8, a vector that has been shown to result in non-toxic, persistent, high level expression of the transgene [4].

Psychiatry related information on Pdx1

  • These results suggest that a congenital or genetic perturbation occurred in this infant most likely before the appearance of dorsal pancreatic bud in the 3 mm long embryonic stage, around the embryonic day 25 in human development, before the onset of Ipf-1 expression [5].

High impact information on Pdx1

  • Pbx1 inactivation disrupts pancreas development and in Ipf1-deficient mice promotes diabetes mellitus [1].
  • Conversely, a gain-of-function Foxo1 mutation targeted to liver and pancreatic beta-cells results in diabetes arising from a combination of increased hepatic glucose production and impaired beta-cell compensation due to decreased Pdx1 expression [6].
  • Pancreas development is known to be abolished in Pdx1-mutant mice and Pax4 mutants lack insulin-producing beta-cells [7].
  • In mouse embryos, IPF1 expression is restricted to the developing pancreatic anlagen and is initiated when the foregut endoderm is committed to a pancreatic fate [8].
  • Deletion of a conserved enhancer region (Area I-II-III) from Pdx1 produced a hypomorphic allele (Pdx1(DeltaI-II-III)) with altered timing and level of expression, which was studied in combination with wild-type and protein-null alleles [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Pdx1


Biological context of Pdx1


Anatomical context of Pdx1

  • The forkhead transcription factor Foxo1 links insulin signaling to Pdx1 regulation of pancreatic beta cell growth [13].
  • Hepatocyte nuclear factors (HNFs) -1alpha, -3beta, -4alpha, and Pdx-1 contribute in the complex transcriptional circuits within the pancreas that are involved in beta-cell development and function [16].
  • To test this, we used the promoter of the Ipf1/Pdx1 gene to selectively express Shh in the developing pancreatic epithelium [17].
  • We conclude that RA synthesized in the mesenchyme is specifically required for the normal development of the dorsal pancreatic endoderm at a stage preceding Pdx 1 function [14].
  • Using antisera against recombinant IPF-1 and STF-1 in combination with antisera against islet hormones we find that all beta-cells in monolayers of newborn rat islet cells express STF-1, as do a fraction of the delta-cells [15].

Associations of Pdx1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Pdx1


Regulatory relationships of Pdx1

  • Moreover, HNF-6 could directly stimulate the Pdx1 promoter [24].
  • These mice develop diabetes with age, and we show that IPF1/PDX1 is required for maintaining the beta cell identity by positively regulating insulin and islet amyloid polypeptide expression and by repressing glucagon expression [11].
  • The pancreas derives from cells in the ventral and dorsal foregut endoderm that express the transcription factor Pdx-1 [24].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Overexpression of TGF-alpha induces expansion of a Pdx1-expressing epithelium characterized by focal expression of Pax6 and initiation of islet neogenesis [25].
  • We have evaluated the hypothesis that increased levels of TGFalpha in the fundus induces an antral pattern of cell differentiation in fundic glands by studying Pdx1, a transcription factor whose expression normally is confined to the gastric antrum [26].
  • Adenovirus-mediated Pdx1 interference caused cell proliferation and cytokine-induced apoptosis via the dysregulation of c-Myc transcription [27].

Other interactions of Pdx1

  • 5. At earlier stages, only a dorsal bud rudiment forms transiently and expresses the transcription factors Ipf1 and Hlxb9 but lacks the key transcription factor involved in the acquisition of a pancreatic fate, Ptf1a, as well as all endocrine precursor cells [28].
  • Pdx1 expression in Irs2-deficient mouse beta-cells is regulated in a strain-dependent manner [29].
  • These findings demonstrate that Pdx1 expression is essential for integrating GLP-1R-dependent signals regulating alpha-cell glucagon secretion and for the growth, differentiated function, and survival of islet beta-cells [30].
  • In normal embryos, HNF-6 was detected in the endoderm prior to the expression of Pdx-1 [24].
  • Endodermal expression of Nkx6 genes depends differentially on Pdx1 [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Pdx1

  • Its migration is identical to that of in vitro translated STF1 in electrophoretic mobility-shift assays; it is specifically recognized by anti-STF1 antibodies and has an apparent molecular mass of 46 kDa [32].
  • To determine which beta-cell promoters are bound by Pdx1 in vivo, we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation assays using Pdx1 antiserum and chromatin from beta-TC3 cells and Pdx1-transfected NIH3T3 cells and subsequently quantitated co-immunoprecipitated promoters using real-time PCR [33].
  • We compared these in vivo findings to parallel immunoprecipitations in which Pdx1 was allowed to bind to promoter fragments in in vitro reactions [33].
  • Quantitative assessment of gene targeting in vitro and in vivo by the pancreatic transcription factor, Pdx1. Importance of chromatin structure in directing promoter binding [33].
  • The failure of pdx-1 to inhibit endogenous proglucagon gene expression was not attributable to defects in Pdx-1 nuclear translocation or DNA binding as demonstrated using Western blotting and EMSA analyses [34].


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