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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Histatin-derived peptides: potential agents to treat localised infections.

Histatins are a family of histidine-rich, cationic peptides composed of up to 38 amino acids. They are secreted by the salivary glands of humans and some subhuman primates and are thought to be part of the host defence system in the oral cavity. Histatins exhibit in vitro activity against both bacteria and yeast, common to other antimicrobial peptides. Because of these activities, histatin-based peptides could play an important role in the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. A 12 amino acid amidated fragment of histatin 5, designated P-113, has been identified as the smallest fragment that retains antimicrobial activity comparable to the parent compound. Animal studies and human clinical trials showed that P-113 has potential in preventing the development of gingivitis, with no adverse side effects. Histatin peptides also could be used for other therapeutic applications in which the infection is localised and accessible via topical delivery, such as treatment of candidiasis (thrush) and mucositis in the oral cavity, skin infections and treatment of lung infections afflicting cystic fibrosis patients.[1]


  1. Histatin-derived peptides: potential agents to treat localised infections. Rothstein, D.M., Helmerhorst, E.J., Spacciapoli, P., Oppenheim, F.G., Friden, P. Expert opinion on emerging drugs. (2002) [Pubmed]
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