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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis in wild-type and apterous mutant Drosophila.

Juvenile hormone (JH) is a major regulator of insect development and reproduction and its titer is determined largely by central nervous system regulation of JH synthesis by the corpora allata. To establish the basis for a molecular genetic dissection of the neuroendocrine system responsible for modulating JH titer, a radiochemical assay was utilized to examine JH synthesis in vitro by the isolated corpus allatum as well as the regulation of this synthesis by brain extracts of wild-type and apterous mutant Drosophila melanogaster females during reproductive maturation. JH production by glands of wild-type females increases in parallel with the progress of ovarian maturation, the major product of the adult corpus allatum being juvenile hormone 3 bis-epoxide (JHB3). Gland activity appears to be regulated by both the availability of JH precursors and the level of terminal oxidase(s) in the JH biosynthetic pathway. The brain contains an allatostatic factor, that is transmitted to the glands via nervous connections. Allatostatin production in the brain appears to be positively regulated by JHB3. Adult corpora allata from the mutants ap4 and ap56f synthesize very low levels of JH; additionally, brains of ap56f homozygotes lack allatostatic activity.[1]


  1. Regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis in wild-type and apterous mutant Drosophila. Altaratz, M., Applebaum, S.W., Richard, D.S., Gilbert, L.I., Segal, D. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. (1991) [Pubmed]
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