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Corpora Allata

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High impact information on Corpora Allata

  • Precocene II inhibits juvenile hormone biosynthesis by cockroach corpora allata in vitro [1].
  • Expressed sequence tags from the corpora allata of the cockroach Diploptera punctata yielded a new cytochrome P450, CYP15A1 [2].
  • Finally, we used the same primers for DNMDAR1 to demonstrate a fragment of putative NMDA receptor in the corpora allata of Diploptera punctata [3].
  • In accordance with these results, immunoreactivity to an antiserum directed against the common C terminus of callatostatin 1 and allatostatin 1 was observed in the corpora allata of D. punctata but not in the corpus allatum of C. vomitoria, despite its presence in neurons of the brain [4].
  • At 10(-7) M, Grb-AST B1 also strongly inhibits juvenile hormone III biosynthesis by corpora allata from 2-day-old adult males and 1-day-old (males and females) and 4-day-old (females) last instar larvae of G. bimaculatus [5].

Biological context of Corpora Allata


Anatomical context of Corpora Allata


Associations of Corpora Allata with chemical compounds

  • CYP15A1, the cytochrome P450 that catalyzes epoxidation of methyl farnesoate to juvenile hormone III in cockroach corpora allata [2].
  • This dilution reflected in part the poor penetration of mevalonate into the corpora allata cells, because JH synthesis in mevinolin-treated cells was not fully rescued by mevalonate [15].
  • In insects, these sesquiterpenoids are synthesized by retrocerebral endocrine organs, the corpora allata, via the classical mevalonate (MVA) pathway [16].
  • During the primary response to methoprene (in female locusts in which the corpora allata had been destroyed immediately after emergence), Vg mRNA was first detected after 18-24 hr and accumulated rapidly between 36 and 48 hr [17].
  • Following incubation of (2E,6E)-[1,5,9-3H]farnesol with homogenates of corpora allata from fifth instar larvae or adult female M. sexta, and analysis by RP-IPC, the major radiolabeled products corresponded to farnesoic acid, farnesal, and a polar product(s) presumably derived from the tritium on C-1 of farnesol [18].

Gene context of Corpora Allata

  • Here, we describe the 10-day adult age course of JH synthesis from isolated corpus allatum (CA) of InR and of chico, the insulin receptor substrate homolog [19].
  • Thus the lateral neurosecretory cells, which are immunoreactive with antisera to beta-endorphin and ovine prolactin, may regulate corpus allatum activity, whereas a CRF immunoreactive substance seems to be used as neurotransmitter by antennal receptors [20].
  • JH production by glands of wild-type females increases in parallel with the progress of ovarian maturation, the major product of the adult corpus allatum being juvenile hormone 3 bis-epoxide (JHB3) [21].
  • From the effects of these inhibitors, we conclude that the glutamate transporter expressed in corpora allata cells of the cricket is similar to the high affinity glutamate transporters cloned from human brain, especially EAAT1 and EAAT3 [22].
  • SP also increases in vitro juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis in excised corpora allata (CA) of D. melanogaster and Helicoverpa armigera [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Corpora Allata


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