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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

2,2'-Dicarbomethoxyamino-5,5'-dibenzimidazolyl ketone--a new antifilarial agent.

The activity of 2,2'-dicarbomethoxyamino-5,5'-dibenzimidazolyl ketone (II, C.D.R.I. Comp. 82/437) has been evaluated for its micro- and macro-filaricidal efficacy against Litomosoides carinii in rodents. A dose of 3 mg/kg (i.p.) and 50 mg/kg (oral) x 5 days of Comp. 82/437 was found to eliminate almost 100% of adult worms and microfilariae of L. carinii in cotton rat. It also killed 100% and 97% of adult worms and microfilariae of Dipetalonema viteae and Brugia malayi in Mastomys natalensis respectively, at 150 and 200 mg/kg x 5 days orally. The compound also exhibited marked chemoprophylactic and in vitro activity against L. carinii.[1]


  1. 2,2'-Dicarbomethoxyamino-5,5'-dibenzimidazolyl ketone--a new antifilarial agent. Fatma, N., Sharma, S., Chatterjee, R.K. Acta Trop. (1989) [Pubmed]
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