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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Isoquinoline and peripheral-type benzodiazepine binding in gliomas: implications for diagnostic imaging.

Binding of the isoquinoline PK 11195 and of the benzodiazepines Ro5-4864 and flunitrazepam was compared in glioma cells and tissues. In human and rat glioma cell cultures [3H]PK 11195 bound with higher affinity (Kd = 14.01 and 15.76 nM, respectively) than either Ro5-4864 (Ki = 1200 and 84.9 nM, respectively) or flunitrazepam (Ki greater than 10,000 and = 848 nM, respectively). Autoradiograms of postmortem human brain sections containing glioma revealed that [3H]PK 11195 bound specifically to intact tumor cells and not to cells of normal cerebral cortex or necrotic areas of the tumor. Total [3H]Ro5-4864 or [3H]flunitrazepam binding to these sections was indistinguishable from nonspecific binding, and regions of tumor and normal brain could not be delineated. These results support the use of radiolabeled PK 11195 for clinical trials of imaging human gliomas by positron emission tomography.[1]


  1. Isoquinoline and peripheral-type benzodiazepine binding in gliomas: implications for diagnostic imaging. Olson, J.M., Junck, L., Young, A.B., Penney, J.B., Mancini, W.R. Cancer Res. (1988) [Pubmed]
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