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Chemical Compound Review

AGN-PC-00LSNY     N-butan-2-yl-1-(2- chlorophenyl)-N-methyl...

Synonyms: CHEMBL481537, SureCN117124, AG-H-44208, C0424_SIGMA, CHEBI:73290, ...
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Disease relevance of RP 52028

  • As increasing amounts of unlabeled PK 11195 were added to the radioactive ligand, the myocardial ligand concentration was proportional to myocardial regional perfusion up to quantities of 40 nmol/kg body weight [1].
  • In vitro studies of surgically removed specimens of human glioma demonstrated little binding of Ro5-4864 but high levels of binding of another selective ligand, PK 11195 [2].
  • In addition, prominent bundles of collagen fibers (fibrosis) were commonly found in livers of rats that had been treated with DDC or DDC and PK 11195 [3].
  • We examined the biochemical and ultrastructural alterations in rat liver following experimentally induced acute hepatic porphyria, as well as the effects of the administration of a selective PBR ligand, PK 11195 [3].
  • The increased binding of both ligands correlated to extent of neuronal loss, but only PK 11195 showed correlation to degree of gliosis [4].

Psychiatry related information on RP 52028


High impact information on RP 52028

  • The chemotactic effects of benzodiazepine receptor agonists were blocked by the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor antagonist PK-11195, suggesting that these effects are mediated by the peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor [7].
  • We conclude that the PK 11195 manifests greater binding than Ro5-4864 to the peripheral-type benzodiazepine binding site on human gliomas and that human gliomas can be successfully imaged using [11C]PK 11195 and PET [2].
  • High affinity binding of isoquinolines, such as PK 11195, is a conserved feature of peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptors (PBR) across species [8].
  • The adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-responsive Y-1 mouse adrenocortical cell line was used to compare the mechanisms by which ACTH and PK 11195 (a PBR ligand) stimulate steroidogenesis [9].
  • These increases were accounted for by the expression of binding sites with approximate dissociation constants of 5 nM for PK 11195 and 8 nM for Ro5-4864, thereby distinguishing the expressed binding sites as being characteristic of the receptor from rat origin rather than of the host human-derived cell line [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of RP 52028


Biological context of RP 52028

  • With 7-[(dimethylcarbamoyl)oxy]-6-(p-methoxyphenyl)pyrrolo[2,1- d][1,5]benzothiazepine (65), these were the most promising compounds with IC50s of respectively 9, 8, and 9 nM, under conditions where PK 11195 had an IC50 of 2 nM [16].
  • PSC apoptosis was also induced by PK-11195, a ligand of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor [17].
  • In this same concentration range, PK 11195 and Ro 5-4864, in contrast to clonazepam, induced an accumulation of MCF-7 cells in both the G0-G1 and G2-M phases of the cell cycle [18].
  • After cell exposure to PK 11195 or Ro5-4864 we evidenced typical alterations of apoptotic cell death such as DNA fragmentation and chromatin condensation assessed by flow cytometric and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis, respectively [19].
  • PBR knockdown by RNA inhibition did not affect the proliferation of either cell type and did not influence the inhibitory effect of PK 11195 and Ro5-4864 on cell growth [20].

Anatomical context of RP 52028

  • In vivo, Ro5-4864 increased the initiation of regeneration after a sciatic nerve crush injury and the number of GAP-43-positive axons in the distal nerve while PK 11195 inhibited the enhanced growth produced by a preconditioning lesion [21].
  • The subcellular distribution patterns of specific PK 11195 binding sites were unrelated to the distribution patterns of marker enzymes for plasma membranes, lysosomes, or endoplasmic reticulum [22].
  • When DRG cells were preconditioned into an active growth state by a prior peripheral nerve injury Ro5-4864 augmented and PK 11195, a PBR antagonist, blocked the injury-induced increased outgrowth [21].
  • Further differences between the binding of PK 11195 and Ro5-4864 in astrocytes were detected in the presence of ethanol which was more effective in inhibiting the binding of the latter [23].
  • Inhibition studies in rats following intravenous pre-administration of 1-(2-chlorophenyl)-N-methyl-N-(1-methylpropyl)-3-isoquinolinecarboxamide (PK 11195, 1) showed high specific binding to PBR of [11C]4, [11C]5, and [11C]6 in heart, lung, kidney, adrenal gland, spleen, and brain [24].

Associations of RP 52028 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of RP 52028

  • We have recently reported a significant decrease in the density of BZRP labeled by [3H] PK 11195 in the postmortem brain of chronic schizophrenics, suggesting that dysfunctions of the BZRP are involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia [30].
  • Our studies show that PBR expression as measured by PK 11195 ligand binding and Western analysis is much higher in MA-10 cells than R2C cells [31].
  • Moreover, PK-11195 delayed the [Ca2+]i rise induced by TTN but did not significantly affect its extent, and had no effect on the [Ca2+]i rise induced by ENP [32].
  • In vitro inhibition of cellular immune responses by benzodiazepines and PK 11195. Effects on mitogen- and alloantigen-driven lymphocyte proliferation and on IL-1, IL-2 synthesis and IL-2 receptor expression [33].
  • Binding of PK 11195 in both m- and p-fractions from AT-1 tumors, but only in m-fraction from ventral and dorsolateral prostate, was specific, saturable, and of high affinity [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RP 52028


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