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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Antibodies distinguishing between intact and alkali-hydrolyzed 7-methylguanosine.

Antibodies specific for intact 7-methylguanosine (m7G) were induced in rabbits and mice by immunization with nucleoside-BSA or nucleoside-hemocyanin conjugates. Since m7G undergoes alkali-catalyzed hydrolytic fission of the purine ring, modifications were made in the procedure for conjugation of m7G to proteins. After periodate oxidation, m7G was incubated with protein at pH 9.1 at 4 degrees C for one hour during which the nucleoside was found to be stable. Reduction of the Schiff base was done with t-butylamine borane for 30 minutes, and the conjugated protein was isolated quickly by gel filtration at pH 7. 2. Both rabbits and mice produced antibodies that readily distinguished between the intact and hydrolyzed m7G. Antibody specificity depended largely on the presence of an intact 7-substituted imidazole ring and some cross-reaction occurred with 7-methylinosine. A weaker reaction occurred with ribothymidine and thymidine. Mouse antibodies induced by m7G-hemocyanin showed the highest specificity. They also recognized m7G in the isolated mRNA cap structure m7G(5')ppp(5')A.[1]


  1. Antibodies distinguishing between intact and alkali-hydrolyzed 7-methylguanosine. Rainen, L., Stollar, B.D. Nucleic Acids Res. (1978) [Pubmed]
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