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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Androgen regulated expression of a spermine binding protein gene in mouse ventral prostate.

A full length cDNA (MP25) encoding the major mouse prostatic secretory glycoprotein (p25), whose expression is androgen dependent, has been cloned and characterised. Steady-state levels of mRNA are decreased approximately 100-fold after 3 days castration but are restored progressively over 4 days with testosterone treatment. The secreted glycoprotein appears to be a spermine binding protein since the nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence of MP25 shares extensive homology with a spermine binding protein ( SBP) found in rat ventral prostate. Genomic clones indicate that there is a single gene for SBP which consists of 4 exons, the first of which is only 11bp in length. The second exon encodes the signal peptide, the third contains a portion of the spermine binding protein unique to the mouse and the largest exon encodes the bulk of the secreted protein.[1]


  1. Androgen regulated expression of a spermine binding protein gene in mouse ventral prostate. Mills, J.S., Needham, M., Parker, M.G. Nucleic Acids Res. (1987) [Pubmed]
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