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Gene Review

Spink3  -  serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 3

Mus musculus

Synonyms: P12, Prostatic secretory glycoprotein, Serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 3, p12, prostatic secretory glycoprotein
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Disease relevance of Spink3

  • P12 antigen is represented on a wide range of cell lines and tissues, including a subset of teratocarcinomas [1].
  • TNF-alpha-/- and WT mice showed a similar sensitivity to hyperoxia-induced retinal ischemia at P12 [2].
  • RESULTS: alpha(v)-integrin expression started immediately after induction of hypoxia (at postnatal day 12, p12) and persisted only during the initial period of neovascularization (until day p14) [3].
  • Mutant virions in which MA was not cleaved from p12 were still infectious, with a specific infectivity only approximately 10-fold below that of the wild type [4].
  • Amino acid sequence and structural properties of protein p12, an African swine fever virus attachment protein [5].

High impact information on Spink3


Chemical compound and disease context of Spink3

  • The COX-2 inhibitor, rofecoxib (15 mg/kg body weight intraperitoneally) was administered to normal and ROP mice from P12 to P17 [9].

Biological context of Spink3

  • Defbeta1 and Spink3 are both upregulated by E2+P, whereas INDO and GPR105 have a complementary profile of upregulation by E2 alone and suppression of the E2 effect by P [10].
  • Analysis of equilibrium data from the binding assay using 125I-P12 with a Scatchard plot showed a single type of P12-binding sites on sperm, with an apparent dissociation constant of 70.15 +/- 5.25 nM and the capacity of 1.49 +/- 0.06 x 10(6) binding sites/cell [11].
  • We have used biolistic transfection of organotypic slices of P12 cerebellum to identify a 40-bp element from the calbindin promoter that is necessary and sufficient for Purkinje cell specific expression in this transient in situ assay [12].
  • To study the molecular mechanisms involved in this model of cell-specific control of gene expression, we cloned fragments containing various lengths of the p12 promoter upstream of the CAT reporter gene [13].
  • We noticed that B cell receptor ligation or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate treatment induced intracellular vesicles containing major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and invariant chain (Ii), and increased the amount of transmembrane p12 Ii fragments coimmunoprecipitated with class II molecules [14].

Anatomical context of Spink3


Associations of Spink3 with chemical compounds

  • The NMDA/non-NMDA ratio was similar at P7, P21, and P40, but showed a clear peak at P12 [17].
  • Myelination was enhanced and ventriculomegaly reduced in hypoxia-exposed neonatal pups treated with caffeine from P3 to P12 [18].
  • Mice exposed to hyperoxia for 5 days starting at postnatal day 7 (P7) and returned to room air (at P12) showed closure of the central retinal vasculature [19].
  • Half of each WT litter was treated with the cytokine inhibitor semapimod (formerly known as CNI-1493) (5 mg/kg) by daily intraperitoneal injection from the time of reintroduction to room air at P12 until P17 [2].
  • Analysis of the chondroitinase digestion products revealed that GlcA beta 1-3GalNAc(4S) disaccharide unit (A unit) was the major component in these preparations and that PG-P20 contained 1.3% D unit, which was not detected in PG-P7 and PG-P12 [20].

Other interactions of Spink3


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Spink3

  • Castration of adult mice resulted in cessation of P12 expression [11].
  • The tumor-targeting properties of F16 and P12 were assessed by biodistribution studies in tumor xenografts using the antibodies in small immunoprotein (SIP) format [22].
  • Real-time quantitative PCR experiments indicated that tomosyn-1 expression was up-regulated less than threefold between developmental stages E10 and P12, whereas tomosyn-2 expression increased 31-fold [23].
  • Whole cell recordings of evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) and immunohistochemistry of GluR1-4 subunits were performed using brain stem slices from congenitally deaf or hearing mice at postnatal days P5 and P12 [24].
  • The presence in infected AGC of defective LP-BM5 MuLV genome, a critical component for induction of the disease referred to as murine AIDS, was confirmed by Southern blot hybridization using a probe reactive with the p12 gag sequence of the 4.9 kb defective genome [25].


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