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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Experimental production of arachnoiditis with water-soluble myelographic media.

After myelography with either metrizamide (300mg l/ml) or meglumine iocarmate (280 mg l/ml), mild to severe arachnoid fibrosis was demonstrated radiographically and histologically in primates. Intrathecal injections of metrizamide (170 mg l/ml) or autologous cerebrospinal fluid produced less arachnoiditis. The risk of arachnoiditis is probably minimized by the use of reduced volumes and concentrations of water-soluble media. Controlled studies of arachnoiditis following myelography are probably more reliable in the primate model than in other experimental animals.[1]


  1. Experimental production of arachnoiditis with water-soluble myelographic media. Haughton, V.M., Ho, K.C., Larson, S.J., Unger, G.F., Correa-Paz, F. Radiology. (1977) [Pubmed]
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