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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Cefmenoxime versus cefoxitin in the treatment of serious bacterial infections.

A comparative study was conducted using cefmenoxime, a new extended spectrum cephalosporin, versus cefoxitin. Entry into the study was based on a computer-generated randomization (two cefmenoxime to one cefoxitin). An intravenous dose of cefmenoxime (0.5 to 1 g every six hours) or cefoxitin (1 to 2 g every six hours) was administered to patients suspected of having serious bacterial infections. Six patients had urinary tract infections. Four who received cefmenoxime, including two with positive blood cultures, had eradication of bacteremia. One of the two who received cefoxitin had significant bacteriuria, and the urine was clear after treatment. Twenty-four patients were treated for lower respiratory tract infections. All 15 patients who received cefmenoxime had clinical and bacteriologic cures. Two of the nine patients who received cefoxitin continued to have the pathogens at the end of the treatment period. Both patients had a neoplasm of the lung. All 11 patients who had soft tissue infections (nine of whom received cefmenoxime) responded well. Both antibiotics were well tolerated.[1]


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