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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Alveolar liquid pressure in excised edematous dog lung with increased static recoil.

Alveolar liquid pressure (Pliq) was measured by micropipettes in conjunction with a servo-nulling pressure measuring system in isolated air-inflated edematous dog lungs. Pliq was measured in lungs either washed with a detergent (0.01% Triton X-100) or subjected to refrigeration for 2-3 days followed by ventilation for 3 h. At 55% of total lung capacity (TLC, the volume at a transpulmonary pressure (Ptp) of 25 cmH2O before treatment), in both the Triton-washed and the ventilated lung, Ptp increased from 5 to 11 cmH2O, whereas Pliq, decreased from -3 to -11 cmH2O relative to alveolar air pressure. Similar increases in Ptp and decreases in Pliq were obtained at higher lung volumes. Alveolar surface tension (T) was estimated from the Laplace equation for a spherical air-liquid interface, assuming that the radius of curvature varies as (volume)n, for -1/3 less than n less than 1/3. For uniform expansion of alveoli (n = 1/3), estimated T was 6 and 18 dyn/cm at 55 and 85% TLC, respectively, before treatment and increased to 23 and 40 dyn/cm following either Triton washing or ventilation. If pericapillary interstitial fluid pressure (Pi) equaled Pliq in edematous lungs, increases in T might reduce Pi and increase extravascular fluid accumulation in lungs made stiff by either Triton washing or cooling and ventilation using large tidal volumes.[1]


  1. Alveolar liquid pressure in excised edematous dog lung with increased static recoil. Beck, K.C., Lai-Fook, S.J. Journal of applied physiology: respiratory, environmental and exercise physiology. (1983) [Pubmed]
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