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Total Lung Capacity

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Disease relevance of Total Lung Capacity


High impact information on Total Lung Capacity

  • Lung function deteriorated in all nine patients in the group given prednisolone alone: total lung capacity decreased from a mean (+/-SD) of 66+/-8 percent of the predicted value at base line to 62+/-6 percent at 12 months [6].
  • The single breath carbon monoxide diffusing capacity was below 80 per cent of the predicted value in 24 patients (80 per cent), and a reduced total lung capacity was present in 13 (43 per cent) [7].
  • We have anecdotally observed that the 5 breath to total lung capacity (TLC) dosimeter method reduced the response to methacholine in some subjects with mild AHR [8].
  • In patients not receiving steroid treatment there was a positive correlation between exhaled ethane and NO (r = 0.55, p < 0.05) and air trapping assessed by the ratio of residual volume to total lung capacity (RV/ TLC) (r = 0.60, p < 0.05) [9].
  • The fenoterol was given in the nose by means of two puffs of 0.2 mg in each nostril (total of 0.8 mg) from a pressurized canister while the patient was holding his breath at total lung capacity; it was followed by an exhalation through the nose [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Total Lung Capacity


Biological context of Total Lung Capacity


Associations of Total Lung Capacity with chemical compounds


Gene context of Total Lung Capacity

  • METHODS: Voluntary relaxed expiration from total lung capacity (TLC) was studied in three groups of subjects: seven patients with severe chronic airways obstruction (COPD), 10 normal subjects, and 15 subjects with restrictive disease [23].
  • Infection and rejection were accompanied by airflow obstruction, a rise in the slopes of the alveolar plateaus for nitrogen, hexafluoride sulphur and helium (SN2, SSF6, and SHe), and a decrease in the difference between SSF6 and SHe (delta S), total lung capacity (TLC), and lung transfer factor (TLCO) [24].
  • Pulmonary function tests in ten of the 13 patients revealed (mean percent predicted +/- 1 SD): vital capacity 92 +/- 12, residual volume 85 +/- 31, total lung capacity 92 +/- 13, peak flow rate 96 +/- 17, forced expiratory volume in 1 second 90 +/- 13, and maximal mid-expiratory flow rate 93 +/- 25 [25].
  • Reproducibility of RVN2 was assessed from duplicate measurements in 73 patients with asthma before and after bronchodilation (FEV1 81.4 +/- 13.7 and 99.6 +/- 11.5% pred, respectively), and in nine patients with CF; the total lung capacity (TLC) was unaffected by bronchodilation; 3,797 +/- 830 ml and 3,807 +/- 843 ml, respectively [26].
  • Changes in residual volume relative to vital capacity and total lung capacity after arthrodesis of the spine in patients who have adolescent idiopathic scoliosis [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Total Lung Capacity


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