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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Effects of H--Y antigen on morphologic and endocrine differentiation of gonads in mammals.

The effects of H--Y antigen, released in a soluble state by male human Burkitt lymphomas and mouse teratomas, were studied in the fetal gonads from 13 to 21-day-old rats and 98-day-old calves, using histologic techniques, radioimmunoassays for testosterone, and bioassays for Müllerian-inhibiting substance ( MIS). Whereas no effect was detected in the younger gonads, some structural changes were observed in bovine and 21-day-old rat ovaries when cultured for 5 days with Daudi and male teratoma supernatants, but there was no synthesis of testosterone or MIS. These observations raise questions concerning the critical period of sensitivity to H--Y antigen of female gonads, and the dissociation between morphologic and biochemical events.[1]


  1. Effects of H--Y antigen on morphologic and endocrine differentiation of gonads in mammals. Benhaim, A., Gangnerau, M.N., Bettane-Casanova, M., Fellous, M., Picon, R. Differentiation (1982) [Pubmed]
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