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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Modulation of renal disease in autoimmune NZB/NZW mice by immunization with bacterial DNA.

Preautoimmune New Zealand Black/White (NZB/NZW) mice immunized with Escherichia coli (EC) double standard (ds) DNA produce antibodies that bind mammalian dsDNA and display specificities similar to spontaneous lupus anti-DNA. Since calf thymus ( CT) dsDNA fails to induce these antibodies, these results suggest a special potency of foreign DNA in inducing serological manifestations of lupus in a susceptible host. To assess the effects of DNA immunization on clinical manifestations in NZB/NZW mice, we measured renal disease and survival of mice immunized with either (a) EC dsDNA as complexes with methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) in adjuvant; (b) CT dsDNA with mBSA in adjuvant; (c)mBSA alone in adjuvant; or (d) unimmunized. After immunization with EC dsDNA, NZB/NZW mice developed significant levels of anti-dsDNA antibodies. Nevertheless, these mice had less proteinuria, nitrate/nitrite excretion, and glomerular pathology than mice immunized with either mBSA alone, CT dsDNA/mBSA complexes, or unimmunized mice. Survival of the EC dsDNA immunized mice was significantly increased compared with the other mice. Furthermore, immunization of mice after the onset of anti-DNA production and proteinuria stabilized nephritis and prolonged survival. The improvement in renal disease occurred despite the expression of autoantibodies that bound mammalian dsDNA as well as glomerular antigens. These results suggest that bacterial DNA has immunological properties that attenuate murine lupus despite the induction of pathogenic antibodies.[1]


  1. Modulation of renal disease in autoimmune NZB/NZW mice by immunization with bacterial DNA. Gilkeson, G.S., Ruiz, P., Pippen, A.M., Alexander, A.L., Lefkowith, J.B., Pisetsky, D.S. J. Exp. Med. (1996) [Pubmed]
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