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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

From essential to beneficial: glycoprotein D loses importance for replication of bovine herpesvirus 1 in cell culture.

Glycoprotein D ( gD) of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) has been shown to be an essential component of virions involved in virus entry. gD expression in infected cells is also required for direct cell-to-cell spread. Therefore, BHV-1 gD functions are identical in these aspects to those of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) gD. In contrast, the gD homolog of pseudorabies virus (PrV), although essential for penetration, is not necessary for direct cell-to-cell spread. Cocultivation of cells infected with phenotypically gD-complemented gD- mutant BHV-1/80-221 with noncomplementing cells resulted in the isolation of the cell-to-cell-spreading gD-negative mutant ctcs+BHV-1/80-221, which was present in the gD-null BIV-1 stocks. ctcs+BHV-1/80-221 could be propagated only by mixing infected with uninfected cells, and virions released into the culture medium were noninfectious. Marker rescue experiments revealed that a single point mutation in the first position of codon 450 of the glycoprotein H open reading frame, resulting in a glycine-to-tryptophan exchange, enabled complementation of the gD function for cell-to-cell spread. After about 40 continuous passages of ctcs+BHV-1/80-221-infected cells with noninfected cells, the plaque morphology in the cultures started to change from roundish to comet shaped. Cells from such plaques produced infectious gD- virus, named gD-infBHV-1, which entered cells much more slowly than wild-type BHV-1. In contrast, integration of the gD gene into the genomes of gD-infBHV-1 and ctcs+BHV-1/80-221 resulted in recombinants with accelerated penetration in comparison to wild-type virions. In summary, our results demonstrate that under selective conditions, the function of BHV-1 gD for direct cell-to-cell spread and entry into cells can be compensated for by mutations in other viral (glyco)proteins, leading to the hypothesis that gD is involved in formation of penetration-mediating complexes in the viral envelope of which gH is a component. Together with results for PrV, varicella-zoster virus, which lacks a gD homolog, and Marek's disease virus, whose gD homolog is not essential for infectivity, our data may open new insights into the evolution of alphaherpesviruses.[1]


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