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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Actions of histamine in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the Syrian hamster.

Previous studies have suggested a role for histamine in mediating effects of light on rodent circadian systems. We combined behavioural and neuroanatomical studies to analyze the potential role of histamine in circadian rhythm regulation of Syrian hamsters. The effects of histamine and the selective H2 receptor agonist dimaprit on free-running locomotor activity rhythms were monitored. In addition, histamine projections were mapped immunohistochemically. Histamine (0.5 microl of 1 mM) microinjected into the region of the suprachiasmatic nucleus induced very small delay phase-shifts, which were significantly greater than those elicited by vehicle at circadian time (CT) 18. No other significant differences were observed. Dimaprit (0.5 microl of 1 mM) microinjected into the region of the suprachiasmatic nucleus at CT 6 and CT 18, induced very small phase-shifts which were significantly different from the effects of vehicle, but did not resemble those of light. Numerous cell bodies immunopositive for histamine were found in the tuberomammillary nucleus of the posterior hypothalamus, while histamine immunoreactive fibres were seen in the periventricular nucleus and paraventricular nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus. The suprachiasmatic nuclei were largely devoid of immunostaining. Finally, preliminary electrophysiological studies demonstrated that ionophoretic application of histamine and the H2 receptor agonist dimaprit elicit inconsistent and weak responses in the hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus in vitro. The results presented here show that microinjections of HA or dimaprit into the SCN region do not mimic the effects of light on hamster circadian rhythms, and the SCN of the Syrian hamster is almost devoid of histaminergic fibres. These studies suggest that histamine does not play a prominent role in circadian rhythm regulation in this species.[1]


  1. Actions of histamine in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the Syrian hamster. Scott, G., Piggins, H.D., Semba, K., Rusak, B. Brain Res. (1998) [Pubmed]
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