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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

A possible correlation between the blood leukocyte formula and the use of glucocorticoids as growth promoters in beef cattle.

Clinical analyses designed to set welfare parameters were performed on blood drawn from the caudal vein of 14 groups of cattle (young bulls and heifers) (n = 10) from 480 to 550 kg b.w., each group representative of a different farm. The leukocyte formula exhibited a lymphocytopenia in four groups compared with the values from a control group (n = 50). This finding was related to the possible illicit use of corticoids as growth promoters in meat production. The individual plasmas tested negative by two different ELISA kits for corticosteroids, but chemical analyses by LC-MS/APCI (detection limit 0.5 ng/ml) on the pooled plasma of each of the 14 groups revealed the presence of beclomethasone and fluocinolone acetonide in 3 of the 4 suspect farms. These corticosteroids are not always efficiently screened by commercially available immunoassays. The epidemiological reliability of blood analysis as a screening test for such drugs is discussed in the light of the need for quality certification of the whole meat production processes 'from farm to fork', and for enhanced animal welfare.[1]


  1. A possible correlation between the blood leukocyte formula and the use of glucocorticoids as growth promoters in beef cattle. Brambilla, G., Fiori, M., Pierdominici, E., Antonucci, G., Giorgi, P., Ramazza, V., Zucchi, M. Vet. Res. Commun. (1998) [Pubmed]
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