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Gene Review

ipt  -  hypothetical protein

Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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Disease relevance of ipt


High impact information on ipt

  • We crossed a male-sterile, Agrobacterium-transformed Nicotiana tabacum plant that contains a silent, hypermethylated T-DNA ipt oncogene with a normal tobacco plant and found that the methylated state of the ipt gene was stably inherited through meiosis in the offspring [1].
  • However, when tissues of these plants were placed in cell culture, the ipt gene was spontaneously reactivated in a very small fraction of the cells; if 5-azacytidine was added to the culture medium, ipt gene reactivation occurred at high frequency [1].
  • The results suggest that effects on apical dominance, adventitious root formation, leaf morphology and other traits commonly +/- associated with IAA and cytokinin overproduction, and observed in the iaa E ipt cross, cannot be explained solely by analysis of auxin and cytokinin contents in individual organs [2].
  • Transgenic tobacco plants co-expressing Agrobacterium iaa and ipt genes have wild-type hormone levels but display both auxin- and cytokinin-overproducing phenotypes [2].
  • The MAT vector system is designed to use the oncogenes (ipt, iaaM/H, rol) of Agrobacterium, which control the endogenous levels of plant hormones and the cell responses to plant growth regulators, to differentiate transgenic cells, and to select marker-free transgenic plants [3].

Associations of ipt with chemical compounds

  • We found that the ipt locus was highly methylated in the unexpressed state but that spontaneous or 5-azacytidine-induced reexpression always resulted in extensive demethylation of a region including 5' upstream, coding, and 3' downstream regions of the ipt gene [1].


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