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Gene Review

hoxb1a  -  homeobox B1a

Danio rerio

Synonyms: Homeobox protein Hox-B1a, Hox-B1, SO:0000704, Z-3, hoxb1, ...
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High impact information on hoxb1a

  • Second, vhnf1 functions independently of Fgf signals to repress hoxb1a expression [1].
  • We have used a morpholino-based knockdown approach to investigate the functions of a pair of zebrafish Hox gene duplicates, hoxb1a and hoxb1b, which are expressed during development of the hindbrain [2].
  • However, using an RNA rescue approach, we reveal that these duplicated genes do not have interchangeable biochemical functions: only hoxb1a can properly pattern the VIIth cranial nerve [2].
  • Knockdown of duplicated zebrafish hoxb1 genes reveals distinct roles in hindbrain patterning and a novel mechanism of duplicate gene retention [2].
  • Despite this difference in protein function, we provide evidence that the hoxb1 duplicate genes were initially maintained in the genome because of complementary degenerative mutations in defined cis-regulatory elements [2].

Biological context of hoxb1a

  • Moreover, the hoxb1 duplicate genes have differing functional capacities, suggesting divergence after duplication [3].

Anatomical context of hoxb1a


Other interactions of hoxb1a

  • Using genetic mosaic analysis, we show that lzr/pbx4 and hoxb1a are primarily required cell-autonomously within the facial motor neurons; however, analysis of a subtle non-cell-autonomous effect indicates that facial motor neuron migration is promoted by interactions amongst the migrating neurons [5].


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