Gene Review:
smad2 - SMAD family member 2
Danio rerio
MAD homolog 2, Mothers against DPP homolog 2, Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2, SMAD 2, SO:0000704, ...
- PPM1A functions as a Smad phosphatase to terminate TGFbeta signaling. Lin, X., Duan, X., Liang, Y.Y., Su, Y., Wrighton, K.H., Long, J., Hu, M., Davis, C.M., Wang, J., Brunicardi, F.C., Shi, Y., Chen, Y.G., Meng, A., Feng, X.H. Cell (2006)
- The EGF-CFC protein one-eyed pinhead is essential for nodal signaling. Gritsman, K., Zhang, J., Cheng, S., Heckscher, E., Talbot, W.S., Schier, A.F. Cell (1999)
- Vertebrate development: the fast track to nodal signalling. Stemple, D.L. Curr. Biol. (2000)
- Spatial expression patterns of activin and its signaling system in the zebrafish ovarian follicle: evidence for paracrine action of activin on the oocytes. Wang, Y., Ge, W. Biol. Reprod. (2003)
- Zebrafish Smad7 is regulated by Smad3 and BMP signals. Pogoda, H.M., Meyer, D. Dev. Dyn. (2002)
- Characterization of zebrafish smad1, smad2 and smad5: the amino-terminus of smad1 and smad5 is required for specific function in the embryo. Müller, F., Blader, P., Rastegar, S., Fischer, N., Knöchel, W., Strähle, U. Mech. Dev. (1999)
- Cloning and characterization of zebrafish smad2, smad3 and smad4. Dick, A., Mayr, T., Bauer, H., Meier, A., Hammerschmidt, M. Gene (2000)