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Gene Review

SMAD2  -  SMAD family member 2

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: JV18, JV18-1, MAD homolog 2, MADH2, MADR2, ...
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Disease relevance of SMAD2


High impact information on SMAD2

  • The ubiquitious nuclear protein Transcriptional Intermediary Factor 1gamma (TIF1gamma) selectively binds receptor-phosphorylated Smad2/3 in competition with Smad4 [5].
  • Rapid and robust binding of TIF1gamma to Smad2/3 occurs in hematopoietic, mesenchymal, and epithelial cell types in response to TGFbeta [5].
  • PPM1A dephosphorylates and promotes nuclear export of TGFbeta-activated Smad2/3 [6].
  • Furthermore, tissues derived from affected individuals showed increased expression of both collagen and connective tissue growth factor, as well as nuclear enrichment of phosphorylated Smad2, indicative of increased TGFbeta signaling [7].
  • We identified the homeodomain protein TGIF as a Smad2-binding protein and a repressor of transcription [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of SMAD2

  • A missense mutation at a conserved arginine residue in the amino-terminal MH1 domain of both Smad2 and Smad4 has been identified in tumors from patients with colorectal and pancreatic cancers, respectively [9].
  • As losartan inhibited the expression of Smad2 on the gene level and reduced the concentration of TGF-beta1 in our study, the results of this in vitro study suggest that the use of angiotensin II receptor blockers might represent a possible way to prevent and treat peritoneal fibrosis in PD patients [10].
  • When compared with sham-nephrectomized animals, subtotally nephrectomized animals had reduced creatinine clearance, proteinuria, glomerulosclerosis, interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, and evidence of TGF-beta activity, as indicated by the abundant nuclear staining of phosphorylated Smad2 [11].

Biological context of SMAD2


Anatomical context of SMAD2


Associations of SMAD2 with chemical compounds

  • This inhibitory function is increased in tumour-derived forms of Smad2 and 4 that carry a missense mutation in a conserved N domain arginine residue [20].
  • The crystal structure of a phosphorylated Smad2, at 1.8 A resolution, reveals the formation of a homotrimer mediated by the C-terminal phosphoserine (pSer) residues [21].
  • Addition of the inhibitor-of-protein serine/threonine phosphatases, okadaic acid, blocks the ATRA-mediated reduction in TGF-beta-induced phospho-Smad2 and shifts the differentiation toward monocytic end points [19].
  • Smad signaling can be regulated by the Ras/Erk/mitogen-activated protein pathway in response to receptor tyrosine kinase activation and the gamma interferon pathway and also by the functional interaction of Smad2 with Ca(2+)-calmodulin [22].
  • Thus, in human mesangial cells, the mechanism of decorin-mediated inhibition of TGFbeta signalling may involve activation of Ca(2+) signalling, the subsequent phosphorylation of Smad2 at a key regulatory site, and the sequestration of Smad4 in the nucleus [23].

Physical interactions of SMAD2

  • SnoN physically interacted with activated Smad-2 by forming transcriptionally inactive complex and overrode the profibrotic action of TGF-beta1 [24].
  • These results suggest that Smad2 phosphorylation results in both tighter binding to Smad4 and increased nuclear concentration; those changes may be responsible for transcriptional activation by Smad2 [25].
  • However, under conditions of inhibited endocytosis, Smad2 remains bound to SARA for at least 6 h without a significant decline in associated levels [26].
  • We report here that the pathway-specific Smad2 and 3 can form a complex with the activin receptor in a ligand-dependent manner [27].
  • Although significantly different in sequence from its Xenopus counterpart, hFAST-1 shared with xFAST-1 the ability to bind to human Smad2 and activate an activin response element (ARE) [28].

Enzymatic interactions of SMAD2

  • Numbers of epithelial cell nuclei with Smad4 and phosphorylated Smad2/3 staining were significantly reduced in erythematous oral lichen compared with normal oral mucosa [29].
  • TGF-beta signals through its cell surface receptor serine kinases that phosphorylate Smad2 or Smad3 proteins [30].
  • Additionally, SARA was found to modulate the self-association of partially phosphorylated Smad2, which suggests an added role for this protein in preventing premature release of a monophosphorylated substrate from the receptor complex [31].
  • Activin A significantly increased the expression of phosphorylated Smad2 in JHOC-5 cells [32].

Regulatory relationships of SMAD2


Other interactions of SMAD2

  • This inhibitory function of the N domain is shown here to involve an interaction with the C domain that prevents the association of Smad2 with Smad4 [20].
  • In addition, we observed TbetaR-activation-dependent interaction between Smad2 and Smad3 [18].
  • Vitamin D(3) also induced phosphorylation of Smad2/3 and monocytic differentiation; however the effects were indirect, dependent on its ability to induce expression of TGF-beta1 [19].
  • In contrast to SMAD2 deletion, for which no clinical relevance was observed, hazard ratios (HR) in a multivariate analysis associated with SMAD7 deletion [overall survival (OS): HR = 0.43, p = 0.0012; disease-free survival (DFS): HR = 0.50, p = 0.0033] indicated a favorable outcome for these patients [37].
  • Significantly, Smurf2 displayed preference to Smad2 as its target for degradation [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SMAD2

  • By quantitative PCR analysis, a relative loss of copy number of SMAD2, SMAD4, and DCC were detected in 40%, 57%, and 53%, respectively, of the colitis-related cancers [14].
  • Cells were stimulated with TGFbeta1 and the expression of SMAD2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 mRNA was analysed by real time RT-PCR [38].
  • Transforming growth factor-beta signal transducer SMAD2 but not SMAD1 moved from the cytoplasm to the nucleus after TGF-beta stimulation [39].
  • The results of the screen and subsequent co-immunoprecipitation studies identified Smad2 and Smad3, two transcriptional activators that mediate the type beta transforming growth factor (TGF-beta) response, as Ski-interacting proteins [40].
  • Performing electrophoretic mobility shift assay and cotransfection experiments, we were able to delineate DNA-binding complexes and identified Smad3, Smad4, and Smad2 [41].


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