Gene Review:
mib1 - mindbomb E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1
Danio rerio
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase mib1, Protein mind bomb, SO:0000704, cg5841, chunp6889, ...
- Jagged2a-notch signaling mediates cell fate choice in the zebrafish pronephric duct. Ma, M., Jiang, Y.J. PLoS Genet. (2007)
- The ubiquitin ligase Drosophila Mind bomb promotes Notch signaling by regulating the localization and activity of Serrate and Delta. Lai, E.C., Roegiers, F., Qin, X., Jan, Y.N., Rubin, G.M. Development (2005)
- Notch signaling: endocytosis makes delta signal better. Le Borgne, R., Schweisguth, F. Curr. Biol. (2003)
- Three modules of zebrafish Mind bomb work cooperatively to promote Delta ubiquitination and endocytosis. Chen, W., Casey Corliss, D. Dev. Biol. (2004)
- Evolutionary conserved role of ptf1a in the specification of exocrine pancreatic fates. Zecchin, E., Mavropoulos, A., Devos, N., Filippi, A., Tiso, N., Meyer, D., Peers, B., Bortolussi, M., Argenton, F. Dev. Biol. (2004)
- Analysis of upstream elements in the HuC promoter leads to the establishment of transgenic zebrafish with fluorescent neurons. Park, H.C., Kim, C.H., Bae, Y.K., Yeo, S.Y., Kim, S.H., Hong, S.K., Shin, J., Yoo, K.W., Hibi, M., Hirano, T., Miki, N., Chitnis, A.B., Huh, T.L. Dev. Biol. (2000)
- Neurogenic phenotype of mind bomb mutants leads to severe patterning defects in the zebrafish hindbrain. Bingham, S., Chaudhari, S., Vanderlaan, G., Itoh, M., Chitnis, A., Chandrasekhar, A. Dev. Dyn. (2003)
- Expression of proneural and neurogenic genes in the zebrafish lateral line primordium correlates with selection of hair cell fate in neuromasts. Itoh, M., Chitnis, A.B. Mech. Dev. (2001)
- Mind bomb is a ubiquitin ligase that is essential for efficient activation of Notch signaling by Delta. Itoh, M., Kim, C.H., Palardy, G., Oda, T., Jiang, Y.J., Maust, D., Yeo, S.Y., Lorick, K., Wright, G.J., Ariza-McNaughton, L., Weissman, A.M., Lewis, J., Chandrasekharappa, S.C., Chitnis, A.B. Dev. Cell (2003)
- Rhombomere boundaries are Wnt signaling centers that regulate metameric patterning in the zebrafish hindbrain. Riley, B.B., Chiang, M.Y., Storch, E.M., Heck, R., Buckles, G.R., Lekven, A.C. Dev. Dyn. (2004)