Gene Review:
SOX10 - SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 10
Gallus gallus
- Functional analysis of Sox8 during neural crest development in Xenopus. O'donnell, M., Hong, C.S., Huang, X., Delnicki, R.J., Saint-Jeannet, J.P. Development (2006)
- SOX8 expression during chick embryogenesis. Bell, K.M., Western, P.S., Sinclair, A.H. Mech. Dev. (2000)
- Chick sox10, a transcription factor expressed in both early neural crest cells and central nervous system. Cheng, Y., Cheung, M., Abu-Elmagd, M.M., Orme, A., Scotting, P.J. Brain Res. Dev. Brain Res. (2000)