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Gene Review

LOC396117  -  CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 2

Gallus gallus

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High impact information on CNOT2

  • In a screen for homeobox transcription factors expressed in the embryonic ventral midbrain, Andersson et al. recently identified Lmx1a and Msx1 [1].
  • The two chicken genes represent two different subgroups of the Not gene family, the first including CNOT1 and the Xenopus genes XNot1 and XNot2, and the second CNOT2 and the zebrafish floating head gene [2].
  • However, several significant differences occurred: CNOT2 expression was much stronger and more widespread in the pregastrulation embryo, it showed an additional, transient domain on the anterior intestinal portal, and lacked expression on the early anterior neural folds and the anterodistal limb bud [2].

Biological context of CNOT2


Anatomical context of CNOT2


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