MeSH Review:
- Unilateral transplantation of human fetal mesencephalic tissue into the caudate nucleus of patients with Parkinson's disease. Spencer, D.D., Robbins, R.J., Naftolin, F., Marek, K.L., Vollmer, T., Leranth, C., Roth, R.H., Price, L.H., Gjedde, A., Bunney, B.S. N. Engl. J. Med. (1992)
- Epilepsy and brain abnormalities in mice lacking the Otx1 gene. Acampora, D., Mazan, S., Avantaggiato, V., Barone, P., Tuorto, F., Lallemand, Y., Brûlet, P., Simeone, A. Nat. Genet. (1996)
- Midbrain microinfusions of prolactin increase the estrogen-dependent behavior, lordosis. Harlan, R.E., Shivers, B.D., Pfaff, D.W. Science (1983)
- Selective blockade of hypothalamic hyperphagia and obesity in rats by serotonin-depleting midbrain lesions. Coscina, D.V., Stancer, H.C. Science (1977)
- In vivo sequestration of Plasmodium falciparum-infected human erythrocytes: a severe combined immunodeficiency mouse model for cerebral malaria. Willimann, K., Matile, H., Weiss, N.A., Imhof, B.A. J. Exp. Med. (1995)
- Increased midbrain gray matter in Tourette's syndrome. Garraux, G., Goldfine, A., Bohlhalter, S., Lerner, A., Hanakawa, T., Hallett, M. Ann. Neurol. (2006)
- Bipolar disorders, dystonia, and compulsion after dysfunction of the cerebellum, dentatorubrothalamic tract, and substantia nigra. Lauterbach, E.C. Biol. Psychiatry (1996)
- The roles of midbrain and diencephalic dopamine cell groups in the regulation of cataplexy in narcoleptic Dobermans. Okura, M., Fujiki, N., Kita, I., Honda, K., Yoshida, Y., Mignot, E., Nishino, S. Neurobiol. Dis. (2004)
- Immunocytochemical quantification of tyrosine hydroxylase at a cellular level in the mesencephalon of control subjects and patients with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Kastner, A., Hirsch, E.C., Herrero, M.T., Javoy-Agid, F., Agid, Y. J. Neurochem. (1993)
- Ascorbic acid increases the yield of dopaminergic neurons derived from basic fibroblast growth factor expanded mesencephalic precursors. Yan, J., Studer, L., McKay, R.D. J. Neurochem. (2001)
- Identification of intrinsic determinants of midbrain dopamine neurons. Andersson, E., Tryggvason, U., Deng, Q., Friling, S., Alekseenko, Z., Robert, B., Perlmann, T., Ericson, J. Cell (2006)
- Homozygous mutations in ARIX(PHOX2A) result in congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles type 2. Nakano, M., Yamada, K., Fain, J., Sener, E.C., Selleck, C.J., Awad, A.H., Zwaan, J., Mullaney, P.B., Bosley, T.M., Engle, E.C. Nat. Genet. (2001)
- Photo-mediated gene activation using caged RNA/DNA in zebrafish embryos. Ando, H., Furuta, T., Tsien, R.Y., Okamoto, H. Nat. Genet. (2001)
- Independent regulation of the two Pax5 alleles during B-cell development. Nutt, S.L., Vambrie, S., Steinlein, P., Kozmik, Z., Rolink, A., Weith, A., Busslinger, M. Nat. Genet. (1999)
- An Fgf8 mutant allelic series generated by Cre- and Flp-mediated recombination. Meyers, E.N., Lewandoski, M., Martin, G.R. Nat. Genet. (1998)
- Parkin prevents mitochondrial swelling and cytochrome c release in mitochondria-dependent cell death. Darios, F., Corti, O., Lücking, C.B., Hampe, C., Muriel, M.P., Abbas, N., Gu, W.J., Hirsch, E.C., Rooney, T., Ruberg, M., Brice, A. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2003)
- AMPA and NMDA glutamate receptor subunits in midbrain dopaminergic neurons in the squirrel monkey: an immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization study. Paquet, M., Tremblay, M., Soghomonian, J.J., Smith, Y. J. Neurosci. (1997)
- GDNF protection against 6-OHDA: time dependence and requirement for protein synthesis. Kearns, C.M., Cass, W.A., Smoot, K., Kryscio, R., Gash, D.M. J. Neurosci. (1997)
- Progressive supranuclear palsy, computed tomography, and response to antiparkinsonian drugs. Haldeman, S., Goldman, J.W., Hyde, J., Pribram, H.F. Neurology (1981)
- The effect of hypoxia on monoamine levels in discrete regions of aged rat brain. Roubein, I.F., Embree, L.J., Jackson, D.W., Ordway, F.S. Neurobiol. Aging (1981)
- Complete block of early B cell differentiation and altered patterning of the posterior midbrain in mice lacking Pax5/BSAP. Urbánek, P., Wang, Z.Q., Fetka, I., Wagner, E.F., Busslinger, M. Cell (1994)
- Wnt signalling required for expansion of neural crest and CNS progenitors. Ikeya, M., Lee, S.M., Johnson, J.E., McMahon, A.P., Takada, S. Nature (1997)
- The caudal limit of Otx2 expression positions the isthmic organizer. Broccoli, V., Boncinelli, E., Wurst, W. Nature (1999)
- Local gene knockdown in the brain using viral-mediated RNA interference. Hommel, J.D., Sears, R.M., Georgescu, D., Simmons, D.L., DiLeone, R.J. Nat. Med. (2003)
- A mutation in the Pax-6 gene in rat small eye is associated with impaired migration of midbrain crest cells. Matsuo, T., Osumi-Yamashita, N., Noji, S., Ohuchi, H., Koyama, E., Myokai, F., Matsuo, N., Taniguchi, S., Doi, H., Iseki, S. Nat. Genet. (1993)
- Midbrain development induced by FGF8 in the chick embryo. Crossley, P.H., Martinez, S., Martin, G.R. Nature (1996)
- Pax-5 encodes the transcription factor BSAP and is expressed in B lymphocytes, the developing CNS, and adult testis. Adams, B., Dörfler, P., Aguzzi, A., Kozmik, Z., Urbánek, P., Maurer-Fogy, I., Busslinger, M. Genes Dev. (1992)
- Acceleration of the effect of selected antidepressant drugs in major depression by 5-HT1A antagonists. Artigas, F., Romero, L., de Montigny, C., Blier, P. Trends Neurosci. (1996)
- Dopamine D1 receptors facilitate transmitter release. Cameron, D.L., Williams, J.T. Nature (1993)
- Glutamate mediates an inhibitory postsynaptic potential in dopamine neurons. Fiorillo, C.D., Williams, J.T. Nature (1998)
- Nicotine activates and desensitizes midbrain dopamine neurons. Pidoplichko, V.I., DeBiasi, M., Williams, J.T., Dani, J.A. Nature (1997)
- Androgen-sensitive midbrain sites and visual attention in chicks. Meyer, C.C., Parker, D.M., Salzen, E.A. Nature (1976)
- The midbrain-hindbrain phenotype of Wnt-1-/Wnt-1- mice results from stepwise deletion of engrailed-expressing cells by 9.5 days postcoitum. McMahon, A.P., Joyner, A.L., Bradley, A., McMahon, J.A. Cell (1992)
- Functional recovery in parkinsonian monkeys treated with GDNF. Gash, D.M., Zhang, Z., Ovadia, A., Cass, W.A., Yi, A., Simmerman, L., Russell, D., Martin, D., Lapchak, P.A., Collins, F., Hoffer, B.J., Gerhardt, G.A. Nature (1996)
- Engrailed-1 as a target of the Wnt-1 signalling pathway in vertebrate midbrain development. Danielian, P.S., McMahon, A.P. Nature (1996)
- Role of transcription factors Brn-3.1 and Brn-3.2 in auditory and visual system development. Erkman, L., McEvilly, R.J., Luo, L., Ryan, A.K., Hooshmand, F., O'Connell, S.M., Keithley, E.M., Rapaport, D.H., Ryan, A.F., Rosenfeld, M.G. Nature (1996)
- Six3 overexpression initiates the formation of ectopic retina. Loosli, F., Winkler, S., Wittbrodt, J. Genes Dev. (1999)
- Regional incorporation and site-specific differentiation of striatal precursors transplanted to the embryonic forebrain ventricle. Campbell, K., Olsson, M., Björklund, A. Neuron (1995)
- TGF-beta superfamily members promote survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons and protect them against MPP+ toxicity. Krieglstein, K., Suter-Crazzolara, C., Fischer, W.H., Unsicker, K. EMBO J. (1995)
- Brain dopamine transporter messenger RNA and binding sites in cocaine users: a postmortem study. Little, K.Y., McLaughlin, D.P., Zhang, L., McFinton, P.R., Dalack, G.W., Cook, E.H., Cassin, B.J., Watson, S.J. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (1998)
- An induction gene trap for identifying a homeoprotein-regulated locus. Mainguy, G., Montesinos, M.L., Lesaffre, B., Zevnik, B., Karasawa, M., Kothary, R., Wurst, W., Prochiantz, A., Volovitch, M. Nat. Biotechnol. (2000)
- Cooperative transcription activation by Nurr1 and Pitx3 induces embryonic stem cell maturation to the midbrain dopamine neuron phenotype. Martinat, C., Bacci, J.J., Leete, T., Kim, J., Vanti, W.B., Newman, A.H., Cha, J.H., Gether, U., Wang, H., Abeliovich, A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2006)