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Disease relevance of Notochord


High impact information on Notochord

  • Signals from prechordal mesoderm control the differentiation of rostral diencephalic ventral midline cells, whereas notochord induces floor plate cells caudally [6].
  • Antibodies that block Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) signaling have been used to show that SHH activity is required for the induction of floor plate differentiation by the notochord and independently for the induction of motor neurons by both the notochord and midline neural cells [7].
  • A long-range signal encoded by the Sonic hedgehog (Shh) gene has been implicated as the ventral patterning influence from the notochord that induces sclerotome and represses dermomyotome in somite differentiation [8].
  • The differentiation of dorsal cell types, therefore, appears to be initiated at the neural plate stage and to involve the opponent activities of a BMP-mediated dorsalizing signal from the epidermal ectoderm and a SHH-mediated ventralizing signal from the notochord [9].
  • The winged-helix transcription factor HNF-3 beta is required for notochord development in the mouse embryo [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Notochord

  • An ACh-synthesizing enzyme is present in the notochord, a neural tube-dorsal root ganglion preparation, as well as in rows of myotomes separated from the latter preparation [11].

Biological context of Notochord

  • Prior work has established that transient Shh signals from the notochord and floor plate confer a competence in somitic tissue for subsequent BMP signals to induce chondrogenesis [12].
  • The mouse homeobox gene Not is required for caudal notochord development and affected by the truncate mutation [13].
  • In addition, knockdown of Cav3 resulted in a dramatic up-regulation of eng1a expression resulting in an increase in the number of muscle pioneer-like cells adjacent to the notochord [14].
  • These results suggest that Ci-trop is a direct target gene of Ci-Bra and that Brachyury plays an immediate role in the cellular morphogenesis of the notochord [15].
  • Enhancers were identified in intron 1 and 2 that mediate floor plate and notochord expression [16].

Anatomical context of Notochord


Associations of Notochord with chemical compounds

  • To test for the presence of aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), another CA enzyme, cultures of CGs and CGs plus notochord were incubated with levodopa and processed for the detection of CA histofluorescence [22].
  • A screen for N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced mutations affecting early development in the ascidian Ciona savignyi resulted in the isolation of a number of mutants including the complementing notochord mutants chongmague and chobi [23].
  • The formation of notochord and neural tissue in response to XTC-MIF represents a qualitative difference between this inducing factor and the other known group of MIFs, the heparin-binding growth factors [24].
  • When grafts of the epithelial layer of the DMZ of early gastrulae labelled with fluorescein dextran were transplanted to the ventral sides of unlabelled host embryos, they induced secondary axes composed of notochord, somites and posterior neural tube [25].
  • Lithium treatments performed during early or medium streak stages cause excessive development of the anterior primitive streak, node and notochord, and lead to a degeneration of prospective ventral and posterior structures, as shown by the expression of the molecular markers GSC, CNOT1, BMP2 and Ch-Tbx6L [26].

Gene context of Notochord


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Notochord


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  5. Adriamycin induces notochord hypertrophy with conservation of sonic hedgehog expression in abnormal ectopic notochord in the adriamycin rat model. Mortell, A., O'Donnell, A.M., Giles, S., Bannigan, J., Puri, P. J. Pediatr. Surg. (2004) [Pubmed]
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  13. The mouse homeobox gene Not is required for caudal notochord development and affected by the truncate mutation. Abdelkhalek, H.B., Beckers, A., Schuster-Gossler, K., Pavlova, M.N., Burkhardt, H., Lickert, H., Rossant, J., Reinhardt, R., Schalkwyk, L.C., Müller, I., Herrmann, B.G., Ceolin, M., Rivera-Pomar, R., Gossler, A. Genes Dev. (2004) [Pubmed]
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