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Gene Review

CNOT1  -  CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 1

Gallus gallus

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High impact information on CNOT1

  • The two chicken genes represent two different subgroups of the Not gene family, the first including CNOT1 and the Xenopus genes XNot1 and XNot2, and the second CNOT2 and the zebrafish floating head gene [1].
  • We conclude that CNOT expression in the anterior streak is not enough for notochord differentiation, but further influences are necessary [1].
  • We studied CNOT expression by transplanting parts of the primitive streak into growing embryos or by explanting them into tissue culture [1].
  • CNOT gene expression from young nodes was maintained in vivo, but required in vitro the addition of retinoic acid [1].
  • All these cell populations appear to be descendants of the Cnot-expressing cells of the node, suggesting a cell lineage relationship [2].

Biological context of CNOT1

  • CNOT2, a newly identified homeobox gene, is physically linked to the CNOT1 gene in the chicken genome [1].
  • We have isolated a chicken cDNA clone, Cnot, resembling in sequence and expression pattern the Xenopus homeobox gene Xnot [2].

Anatomical context of CNOT1

  • The overall expression pattern of CNOT2 in Hensen's node, notochord, neural plate, tailbud, and epiphysis resembled the CNOT1 pattern [1].
  • We observed that secondary chick embryos express Cnot in node derived, notochord-like structures and in the anterior neural plate, similar to the domains seen in primary embryos [2].
  • The major, early transcription domains of Cnot are the node, the notochord and prenodal and postnodal neural plate caudal from the prospective hindbrain level [2].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CNOT1

  • Transplantation of nodes from extended streak embryos leads to the formation of ectopic notochords, which express Cnot in the typical, cranially decreasing gradient [2].


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