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Gene Review

Brd  -  Bearded

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: Brd-C, CG3096, DmelCG3096, Dmel\CG3096, brd
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High impact information on Brd

  • Pervasive regulation of Drosophila Notch target genes by GY-box-, Brd-box-, and K-box-class microRNAs [1].
  • We show that the proneural target gene, Bearded, is regulated by both Scute and Atonal via distinct E-box consensus binding sites [2].
  • Surprisingly, while misexpression of m6 impairs lateral inhibition, overexpression of m2 potentiates it, suggesting functional diversification within the Brd protein family [3].
  • Finally, we present our initial studies of the structure, expression and regulation of the newest member of the Brd gene family, Ocho, which is located in the recently identified Bearded Complex [3].
  • Five members of the Bearded family are located in a newly discovered gene complex, the Bearded Complex; two others reside in the previously identified Enhancer of split Complex [4].

Biological context of Brd

  • We have also identified enhancers and suppressors of the Brd dominant phenotypes; these include both previously characterized mutations and alleles of apparently novel loci [5].
  • At cuticular positions exhibiting the Brd bristle loss phenotype, we have found that the progeny of the multiplied SOPs develop aberrantly, in that neurons and thecogen (sheath) cells appear but not trichogen (shaft) and tormogen (socket) cells [5].
  • Deletion of the Brd gene complex results in ectopic endocytosis of Dl in dorsal cells of stage 5 embryos [6].
  • We find that Brd box-mediated regulation decreases both transcript and protein levels, and our results suggest that deadenylation or inhibition of polyadenylation is a component of this regulation [7].
  • A Brd genomic DNA transgene with specific mutations in its Brd and GY boxes exhibits hypermorphic activity that results in characteristic defects in PNS development, demonstrating that Brd is normally regulated by these motifs [7].

Regulatory relationships of Brd

  • Consistent with this, we show that Bearded family genes are expressed in a variety of territories in imaginal tissue that correspond to sites of active Notch signaling [4].
  • The nanos translational control element represses translation in somatic cells by a Bearded box-like motif [8].

Other interactions of Brd

  • We propose that inhibition of Neur by Brd proteins is important for precise spatial regulation of Dl signaling [6].
  • We show that Tom, a prototypic Brd family member, inhibits Neur-dependent Notch signaling [6].
  • The deduced Brd protein shows sequence similarity to the E(spl)m4 protein, which is likewise expected to include a basic amphipathic alpha-helix, suggesting that the two proteins have related biochemical functions [9].
  • In addition, we identify pleiohomeotic mRNA as an endogenous candidate for regulation by Bearded box-like motifs in the dorsal pouch [8].
  • The 3' untranslated (UTR) of Dlmo contains multiple motifs implicated in negative post-transcriptional regulation, including AT-rich elements and Brd-like boxes [10].


  1. Pervasive regulation of Drosophila Notch target genes by GY-box-, Brd-box-, and K-box-class microRNAs. Lai, E.C., Tam, B., Rubin, G.M. Genes Dev. (2005) [Pubmed]
  2. The proneural proteins Atonal and Scute regulate neural target genes through different E-box binding sites. Powell, L.M., Zur Lage, P.I., Prentice, D.R., Senthinathan, B., Jarman, A.P. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  3. The enhancer of split complex of Drosophila includes four Notch-regulated members of the bearded gene family. Lai, E.C., Bodner, R., Posakony, J.W. Development (2000) [Pubmed]
  4. Antagonism of notch signaling activity by members of a novel protein family encoded by the bearded and enhancer of split gene complexes. Lai, E.C., Bodner, R., Kavaler, J., Freschi, G., Posakony, J.W. Development (2000) [Pubmed]
  5. Gain-of-function alleles of Bearded interfere with alternative cell fate decisions in Drosophila adult sensory organ development. Leviten, M.W., Posakony, J.W. Dev. Biol. (1996) [Pubmed]
  6. Bearded family members inhibit Neuralized-mediated endocytosis and signaling activity of Delta in Drosophila. Bardin, A.J., Schweisguth, F. Dev. Cell (2006) [Pubmed]
  7. The Bearded box, a novel 3' UTR sequence motif, mediates negative post-transcriptional regulation of Bearded and Enhancer of split Complex gene expression. Lai, E.C., Posakony, J.W. Development (1997) [Pubmed]
  8. The nanos translational control element represses translation in somatic cells by a Bearded box-like motif. Duchow, H.K., Brechbiel, J.L., Chatterjee, S., Gavis, E.R. Dev. Biol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  9. The Drosophila gene Bearded encodes a novel small protein and shares 3' UTR sequence motifs with multiple Enhancer of split complex genes. Leviten, M.W., Lai, E.C., Posakony, J.W. Development (1997) [Pubmed]
  10. Overexpression Beadex mutations and loss-of-function heldup-a mutations in Drosophila affect the 3' regulatory and coding components, respectively, of the Dlmo gene. Shoresh, M., Orgad, S., Shmueli, O., Werczberger, R., Gelbaum, D., Abiri, S., Segal, D. Genetics (1998) [Pubmed]
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