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Gene Review

GNOT1  -  Gnot1 homeodomain protein

Gallus gallus

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High impact information on GNOT1

  • Both activin and retinoic acid are able to activate Gnot1 expression in cultured blastodermal cells and show a strong synergistic effect when applied in combination [1].
  • Gnot1, a Not (for notochord) family homeobox gene, is expressed in the chick pregastrulation blastoderm [1].
  • The expression data and the response to mesoderm inducing factors and axial "caudalizing" signals suggest that Gnot1 may be involved in specification of the embryonic body axis and could play a part in regulating features of the trunk/tail organizer in the chick embryo [1].
  • During gastrulation, Gnot1 transcripts become localized specifically to tissues associated with "organizer" function (Hensen's node, head process, notochord) [1].
  • Strong superinduction of Gnot1 transcripts in the presence of cycloheximide also indicates the presence of a potent and labile intracellular inhibitor capable of modulating Gnot1 expression [1].

Biological context of GNOT1

  • Furthermore, Gnot1 activation by polarizing signals occurs temporally downstream of Hoxd gene activation, but well before the first appearance of condensations that will give rise to the carpus of the wrist [2].

Anatomical context of GNOT1

  • Several factors known to be expressed in hypoblast, and retinoic acid, synergistically induce Gnot-1 and Gnot-2 expression in blastoderm cell culture [3].
  • We present evidence that two genes later associated with the gastrula organizer (Gnot-1 and Gnot-2) are induced by hypoblast signals in prestreak embryos [3].


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