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Gene Review

CecA2  -  Cecropin A2

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG1367, Cec, Cec A2, CecA, Dmel\CG1367, ...
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Disease relevance of CecA2

  • Cecropin A, the common product of the CecA1 and A2 genes, was identified in the hemolymph of immunized flies at a concentration of 25-50 microM, enough to kill all tested bacteria except Serratia, a Drosophila pathogen [1].

High impact information on CecA2

  • Through GmmRel knock-down, we could successfully block the induction of attacin and cecropin expression in the immune responsive tissues fat body and proventriculus (cardia) following microbial challenge [2].
  • The imd gene is required for local Cecropin expression in Drosophila barrier epithelia [3].
  • We show that the upstream region of the Cecropin gene CecA1 contains elements responsible for inducible and tissue-specific expression [4].
  • The interspecific comparison has revealed that in the three species of the simulans cluster the CecA2 gene is partially deleted and has therefore lost its function and become a pseudogene; in each of the species, subsequent deletions have accumulated [5].
  • Of the four putative novel defence proteins (DFPs) annotated by PSI-BLAST three showed similarity to extracellular matrix proteins from vertebrates implicated in innate immunity, while the fourth was similar to, yet distinct from, the anti-microbial protein cecropin [6].


  1. The immune response in Drosophila: pattern of cecropin expression and biological activity. Samakovlis, C., Kimbrell, D.A., Kylsten, P., Engström, A., Hultmark, D. EMBO J. (1990) [Pubmed]
  2. Innate immune responses regulate trypanosome parasite infection of the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans morsitans. Hu, C., Aksoy, S. Mol. Microbiol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. The imd gene is required for local Cecropin expression in Drosophila barrier epithelia. Onfelt Tingvall, T., Roos, E., Engström, Y. EMBO Rep. (2001) [Pubmed]
  4. kappa B-like motifs regulate the induction of immune genes in Drosophila. Engström, Y., Kadalayil, L., Sun, S.C., Samakovlis, C., Hultmark, D., Faye, I. J. Mol. Biol. (1993) [Pubmed]
  5. Molecular evolution of the Cecropin multigene family in Drosophila. functional genes vs. pseudogenes. Ramos-Onsins, S., Aguadé, M. Genetics (1998) [Pubmed]
  6. Analysis of bacteria-challenged wild silkmoth, Antheraea mylitta (lepidoptera) transcriptome reveals potential immune genes. Gandhe, A.S., Arunkumar, K.P., John, S.H., Nagaraju, J. BMC Genomics (2006) [Pubmed]
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