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Gene Review

PNRC2  -  proline-rich nuclear receptor coactivator 2

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: HSPC208, Proline-rich nuclear receptor coactivator 2
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High impact information on PNRC2

  • Transient transfections and luciferase assays further revealed that overexpression of NFY enhanced-promoter activity of PNRC2 gene in a dose-dependent manner while overexpression of E2F1 strongly repressed the activity of the PNRC2 promoter [1].
  • Mutating each individual CCAAT site or changing the orientation of the CAATT box led to a 5-fold decrease in PNRC2 promoter activity in transient transfection experiments [1].
  • In this study, PNRC2 was found to be widely expressed in mouse tissues with a strong expression in lung, spleen, ovary, thymus, and colon [1].
  • Surprisingly, not only PNRC2 but also the corepressor TLE1 functioned as ERRgamma coactivator in a reporter gene analysis [2].
  • PNRC and PNRC2 are members of a new family of nuclear receptor coactivators [3].

Biological context of PNRC2

  • A mutagenesis study has shown that the SH3 domain-binding motif is important for PNRC2 to interact with all the nuclear receptors tested [4].

Anatomical context of PNRC2


Other interactions of PNRC2

  • Our results reveal that PNRC2 has a structure and function similar to PNRC, a previously characterized coactivator [4].
  • PNRC2 is an unusual coactivator in that it is the smallest coactivator identified so far, with a molecular weight of 16 kDa, and interacts with nuclear receptors using a proline-rich sequence [4].
  • Gel shift, supershift assay, and ChIP analysis demonstrated the specific binding of NFY and E2F1 proteins to the mouse PNRC2 promoter [1].


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