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Gene Review

NAC1  -  transcription factor NAC1

Arabidopsis thaliana

Synonyms: ANAC022, Arabidopsis NAC domain containing protein 21, Arabidopsis NAC domain containing protein 22, F14J16.32, NAC domain containing protein 1, ...
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High impact information on NAC1

  • The transcription activator NAC1, a member of the NAM/CUC family of transcription factors, functions downstream of TIR1 to transduce the auxin signal for lateral root development [1].
  • Here we show that SINAT5, an Arabidopsis homologue of the RING-finger Drosophila protein SINA, has ubiquitin protein ligase activity and can ubiquitinate NAC1 [1].
  • SINAT5 promotes ubiquitin-related degradation of NAC1 to attenuate auxin signals [1].
  • These lateral root phenotypes correlate with the expression of NAC1 observed in vivo [1].
  • We show here that NAC1, a new member of the NAC family, is induced by auxin and mediates auxin signaling to promote lateral root development [2].

Biological context of NAC1


Associations of NAC1 with chemical compounds

  • NAC1 is a transcription activator consisting of an N-terminal conserved NAC-domain that binds to DNA and a C-terminal activation domain [2].

Other interactions of NAC1

  • By contrast, inducible expression of miR164 in wild-type plants led to decreased NAC1 mRNA levels and reduced lateral root emergence [3].


  1. SINAT5 promotes ubiquitin-related degradation of NAC1 to attenuate auxin signals. Xie, Q., Guo, H.S., Dallman, G., Fang, S., Weissman, A.M., Chua, N.H. Nature (2002) [Pubmed]
  2. Arabidopsis NAC1 transduces auxin signal downstream of TIR1 to promote lateral root development. Xie, Q., Frugis, G., Colgan, D., Chua, N.H. Genes Dev. (2000) [Pubmed]
  3. MicroRNA directs mRNA cleavage of the transcription factor NAC1 to downregulate auxin signals for arabidopsis lateral root development. Guo, H.S., Xie, Q., Fei, J.F., Chua, N.H. Plant Cell (2005) [Pubmed]
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