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Gene Review

AIR2  -  Air2p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: Arginine methyltransferase-interacting RING finger protein 2, Protein AIR2, YDL175C
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High impact information on AIR2

  • Surprisingly, however, RNAs originating from these regions are rapidly degraded by the combined action of the exosome and a new poly(A) polymerase activity that is defined by the Trf4 protein and one of two RNA binding proteins, Air1p or Air2p [1].
  • This work identifies a nuclear polyadenylation complex containing a known exosome cofactor, the RNA helicase Mtr4p; a poly(A) polymerase, Trf4p; and a zinc knuckle protein, Air2p [2].
  • After fertilization, AIR-2 remains associated with chromosomes during each meiotic division [3].
  • Disruption of AIR-2 expression by RNA- mediated interference produces entire broods of one-cell embryos that have executed multiple cell cycles in the complete absence of cytokinesis [3].
  • Additionally, staining with a marker of midbody microtubules revealed that at least some of the components of the midbody are not well localized in the absence of AIR-2 activity [3].

Biological context of AIR2


Physical interactions of AIR2

  • Air2p also has a RING finger domain and was bound to Hmt1p [4].
  • CONCLUSIONS: ICP-1 and AIR-2 are part of a complex that is essential for chromosome segregation and for efficient completion of cytokinesis [5].

Other interactions of AIR2

  • Since homology searches indicate that the YDL175 gene product has significant identity (45%) with Air1p, we designated the gene AIR2 [4].


  1. Cryptic pol II transcripts are degraded by a nuclear quality control pathway involving a new poly(A) polymerase. Wyers, F., Rougemaille, M., Badis, G., Rousselle, J.C., Dufour, M.E., Boulay, J., Régnault, B., Devaux, F., Namane, A., Séraphin, B., Libri, D., Jacquier, A. Cell (2005) [Pubmed]
  2. RNA degradation by the exosome is promoted by a nuclear polyadenylation complex. LaCava, J., Houseley, J., Saveanu, C., Petfalski, E., Thompson, E., Jacquier, A., Tollervey, D. Cell (2005) [Pubmed]
  3. AIR-2: An Aurora/Ipl1-related protein kinase associated with chromosomes and midbody microtubules is required for polar body extrusion and cytokinesis in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Schumacher, J.M., Golden, A., Donovan, P.J. J. Cell Biol. (1998) [Pubmed]
  4. Novel RING finger proteins, Air1p and Air2p, interact with Hmt1p and inhibit the arginine methylation of Npl3p. Inoue, K., Mizuno, T., Wada, K., Hagiwara, M. J. Biol. Chem. (2000) [Pubmed]
  5. Incenp and an aurora-like kinase form a complex essential for chromosome segregation and efficient completion of cytokinesis. Kaitna, S., Mendoza, M., Jantsch-Plunger, V., Glotzer, M. Curr. Biol. (2000) [Pubmed]
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